52; Five Years Later

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"The shut down of AL Group of Companies has been a mystery and shock to the public as the sudden disappearance of the Wangs had also been a big blow and after so many years, The CEO of AL companies Wang Hua has been declared dead by the police in a fire after a careful investigation while he disappearance of Wang Yibo is still left unknown....!"

"Yuan, switch off that television this minute!!" a loud voice shouted from a distance and five tiny fingers immediately grabbed the remote control and turned off the TV and laid down on the large couch while hugging a teddy bear tightly to his chest and shut his eyes, pretending to be asleep as the clicking sound of footsteps could be heard and soon, a young man came out from the hall with a little girl in his arms.

The girl giggled at the kid lying on the couch as the man put her down and scrolled over to the couch.

"Yuan?" He called in a warning tone and the little soul sighed defeated as he realized he had been caught and he slowly turned and his blue pale blue eyes met Xiao Zhan's brown ones.

"Papa?" The young soul cutely replied while pouting his lips. Xiao Zhan sighed and rubbed his pounding temple. He shut and open his eyes.

"Go get ready now, we are going to visit Uncle Jiyang and the baby" Xiao Zhan said to his four years old son.

"Papa, do you think Uncle Jiyang is gonna give birth ot a girl?" The little girl tapped her father on the leg and Xiao Zhan smiled at his daughter, another carbon copy of her Daddy just like Yuan but with softer features like their Papa.

"No!" Yuan declined at his sister's question. "I want a boy that would play with me!" Yuan argued, sticking his tongue out at his twin.

"Let's get ready and we'll find out"

After a couple of minutes, Xiao Zhan and his kids left their little home made of only three bedroom, a living room, kitchen, two toilet and a little garden right outside the house front, making the environment look warmer as the sun shined brightly.

Xiao Zhan sighed as he got into a cap with his kids and told the driver the address to his destination.

How long had it been, four, five years, for a moment he lost count. It wasn't like he was actually counting the years that had passed since that aweful moment in everyone' life but when you have something that always reminded you of that thing you badly wanted to forget, life becomes unbearable with every passing second.

For Xiao Zhan, only one thing kept him half sane, only one thing kept him from losing control, kept him from snapping, it was Yuan and Lora, his little bundles of joy, his balls of delight. At least that person didn't fail to produce something to this world, didn't fail to give the world his last seed. Yuan and Lora were a blessing in Xiao Zhan's life but they appeared at the right time and wrong place.

After so many lonely years, Xiao Zhan had finally decided that it was over with or without that person.

Reaching Haoxuan and Jiyang manson, Xiao Zhan let his kids out from the car and head straight for the main doors. Lora didn't waste time as she stretched her hand out and rang the doorbell and the door opened to reveal....

"UNCLE HAOXUAN!!" The twins exclaimed running into their uncle's arms who chuckled seeing the little souls that had given everyone another chance to restart their life.

Haoxuan immediately picked up Lora in his arms. "You finally came to visit"

"Of course we won't miss the most important day in your life no matter how busy Papa is with his job" Lora said and Haoxuan brushed his fingers at the top of her nose and she giggled in delight and he put her down and ruffled Yuan's hair.

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