44; Done Running

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Walking out from his room, Xiao Ying didn't failed to notice how quiet his home was. He sighed feeling downcast, advancing towards his living room.

How many months had it been, he was already used to having maids in his home, all thanks to Wang Shi's son, Wang Yibo. Though it sometimes felt lonely not having his little nephew around but he was sure Wang Yibo needed him more than he did.

Sighing for the second time, Xiao Ying sat down on a couch, scanned around his home, such a lonely place but how would the other world feel like.

His nephew, Mr Xiao was sure Wang Yibo would take good of him. Mafia Syndicate, a business he loahed with so much passion.

Being the first son of the Xiao's family, Xiao Ying knew more than his younger brother did but he refused to take over the business after their father died, he had to make up excuses to leave china so he could go for his own carrier. He wanted a family, a wife and kids he could call his own, he wanted a life where he wouldn't have to worry about guns, sex and drugs, but life didn't go as he had planned, things didn't work out. He had no wife and no kids of his own, living such a lonely life, tying to fullfil someone else's wishes other than his owns, it came down to the point he forgot about his own self, he only wanted what was best for everyone especially Xiao Zhan and after so many years, his hard work was finally paying off.

"Aayy!" He sighed again, crossing his legs over the other, picking up the newspaper on the table before him and turned over the pages, he glanced at the clock and adverted his gaze back to his paper, silently reading over the headlines.

A few more minutes later, sound of cars filled his ears and soon, the door of his house bursted opened but he remained sitting, unpuzzled while reading his Paper one last time. "It's about time you visited again, I have been waiting for you" he finally voiced, his voice filled with calmness and his posture was collected as if he had no issue with the unwanted visitors in his home at such an hour of the day.

The perfect time to murder someone without any witness because everyone would be out with their business as usual.

The sound of heels filled his home and he felt a cold hand on his shoulder and a warm breathe beside his ear, disgustingly fanning against his cheeks. "Seem like you were expecting me Ying" the teasing and mocking voice of the person reached his ears but he smirked.

"I don't expect less from from a bitch like you" he said turning over the pages.

The person smirked and tapped tightly on his shoulder before moving around from his ears. "Am surprised you're still here. Seemed like you don't value your life anymore?"

Xiao Ying licked his dry lips and shut the newspaper before placing it down neatly on the table. He put his legs down and stood on his two feet and spined around to the person standing behind him. He smirked again. "I'm done running Wang Hua" he replied with hardened eyes, daring and challenging.

Madam Hua put on a fake sweet smile as she crossed her hands around her chest, a red hand bag hanged between her fingers, matching her short mini red dress with black heels, showing off her long thin legs, showing off a vide that was below her age.

"Am here to have a bargain with you" the words rolled off her tongue.

Xiao Ying scoffed and eyed the gun men with her, about six of them plus her favorite, Li Cheng. "What if I tell you to go fuck yourself"

Madam Hua giggled in amusement. "Come on Ying, we are not teenagers anymore. In order to live, we do anything to survive and you're not an exception. Do you really want to throw away all of your wishes and dreams for someone else?"

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