40; One Down

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The impact was strenuous and harrow, filled with raw fervors from Xiao Zhan to Wang Yibo, who was completely caught off guard as they were able to abscond the fire before the whole place came combusting to the ground. Now they were outside, the night was still tenebrific and cries could still be heard from the wounded.

Xiao Zhan breathed searing and enormously, his chest elevating along with his shoulders, his clothes were flamed and blackened, his face was sweltering and his skin was bruised from the torrid fire but his was immune to the pain, he couldn't feel it but how could he when he just witnessed something he had never calculated.

Though the impact was stouted, Wang Yibo displayed no sign of pinch from his cheek. He gazed at the other blankly, emotionlessly and without void, his face was completely poker, his clothes were also burnt revealing almost all his chest, with bloody skin. He was handcuffed, helpless and in torment, he didn't know what to do, how did things spined this way, how did they get out from control.

Suddenly, Xiao Zhan pulled him by the collar and shook him violently. "How could you do that, how could you stand there when a gun was being pointed at you!!" He plaintd in vexation and infuriation, tears streaming down like a river, his blazing orbs were now filled with sorrow and excruciation as he thought back to what happened earlier.

Was that how he was going to lose him...?

"He could have shot you...!!" Xiao Zhan continued to raise his voice as he shook the other man. Wang Yibo stood and did nothing as the cries and sobs of Xiao Zhan filled his ears. "How could I lose you too, I've already lost everything to her, how could she take you away from me as well!!" He wailed finally letting go of Wang Yibo's shirt. He stepped backwards and sat on the floor and weeped bitterly, wanting all that swelling to desert but they didn't, they still remained to remind him of his fatuity.

"How could you, how could you!" Xiao Zhan repeated, clenching his chest tightly as the pain increased, intensified.

Wang Yibo took baby steps towards the crying man, his hand stretched out as he squat and pulled Xiao Zhan into a tight assuring embrace which Xiao Zhan did not fight back as he sobbed loudly in the other's chest while he whispered assuring words to his ears.

Wang Yibo sat on the floor and put Xiao Zhan between his legs and held him close to his chest. "I'm sorry" He apologised, a lone tear drop escaped his left eye as he put Xiao Zhan closer and tighter to his chest.

It wasn't that he was going to let Lan Guangyao shoot him, he was only waiting for the right moment to strike and it just happened that Lan Guangyao didn't notice his gun was already empty, Wang Yibo knew that but Xiao Zhan didn't.


A few minutes later, Xiao Zhan finally calmed down but he didn't bother to move from his position, either did Wang Yibo who softly caressed Zhan's upper arm. "I want you to promise me something" he started in a low soulless voice, it was like all his emotions and energy were now drained out. He was empty.

"Depends" Wang Yibo replied and Xiao Zhan hit him playfully on the chest, he couldn't help but chuckled at the other's soft punches. "Okay, I promise, what do you want?"

Xiao Zhan shut his eyes. "Whatever happens, stay alive. I don't think I can live without you" With that he fell into the arcadian darkness, that was much better.

Wang Yibo sighed and planted a kiss on his head and he lifted up his head when he heard footsteps coming towards them and soon, his men came into sight.

"Boss!" Haoxuan exclaimed.

Wang Yibo nodded and got up on his feet while carrying Xiao Zhan in his arms. He turned to his men. "Well done boys, one down, one more to go"

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