37; Talk With Haikuan

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Haikuan came out from his little kitchen with a cup of coffee and placed on the little table before Xiao Zhan, who had been quiet nice he arrived, Haikuan didn't know what to do but offer him a cup of coffee though he could clearly tell the other person did not come all the way to his house just for coffee, he wasn't even sure if his coffee was good or not, he stopped making that stuff years ago.

"What do you want?" Haikuan started in a calm manner seeing how the other wasn't ready to speak yet.

"I want the truth, the full story of everything that happened years ago, the story that put all of us into this mess" Xiao Zhan voiced out instantly, gazing up at the other person, Haikuan could see the determination in his eyes and he knew Xiao Zhan wouldn't be leaving till he got what he wanted.

"Does Wang Yibo know you're here. Am sure he doesn't trust me enough to allow his lover to come visit me at my place, that means you sneaked out but do you realize how late it is, it's almost pass nine in the night, most people have already gone to bed and how in heavens name did you sneaked pass Wang Yibo without him catching you. Did you drug him...?" Haikuan ranted in one breathe, totally different from when Xiao Zhan first met him at the hospital.

Xiao Zhan rolled his eyes. "For a doctor, you do speak a lot"

"Trust me, I never wanted to be a doctor but it became the perfect cover to my miserable life. How did you even know where I live!?" Haikuan threw his hands in the air in frustration.

"Zhucheng gave me your address" he replied calmly for someone who just found how his whole life had been one big fat lie.

"Oh, I knew I should never have trusted that bastard. Look at how be gave my address away without informing me first to know if I was in the mood to entertain a visitor or not"

"I'm not here to play visitors with you Haikuan, I need you to tell me the truth before Wang Yibo bursts in here and have your neck" Xiao Zhan glared at him.

"How could you trust me to think anything I say would be the truth of what happened years ago. After all, am part of this whole mess" Haikuan questioned in wonder. Was this person trusting him or was this person being too foolish...?

"Which is why I need the truth. I need to know what happened to know who to trust Haikuan, I am tired to being in the middle of this game, being played like a prey by them" Xiao Zhan stated in a deadpanned tone.

"Very well Xiao Sean Zhan, put on your seatbelt..." He started.

"It all happened many years ago, long before any of us were even born. Xiao Fang and Xiao Bai with my parents used to be the best of friends, they were so close to the point not even a bird could fly through them. But Wang Bi and Madam Hua already had everything planned out, the Xiaos were being played and they didn't even realize it. I was three when everything went down the hill. The Xiaos came to realize the friendship they shared with the Wangs were nothing but a game and they were the prey. Not too long, Mrs Xiao disappeared, her whereabouts were unknown to everyone and she appeared a few months later. They realized the underworld wasn't as they had thought, everything they had ever known was a lie. It took them ten years to secure everything in one document. I had no idea what she saw in me but she trusted me, a thriteen years old kid was given the order to protect something many were dying to have. That night was a bloody one, a scene I would never forget in this lifetime. With bloody and shaky breathe, she gave me your uncle's address and told me to run, her enemies son, she told me to run to that address and give him the documents. I did and I didn't look back and when I returned, they were already dead. Nothing was left of them except their bodies but my parents were there, a smirk on their faces, they had gotten what they wanted"

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