03: Second Encounter

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"so, you mean to tell me that the guy you had a one night stand with you last night gave you this cheque?" Zhuocheng asked for the hundredth time as he stared burptly at the piece of paper in his hand, making Xiao Zhan roll his eyes dramatically.

"He is paying me for the sex and I don't want that" Xiao Zhan sighed as he massaged his temple.

Suddenly, a bulb lit up in Zhuocheng's brain. "We could use this for your uncle's surgery"

Xiao Zhan immediately took the cheque from him. How could he use such money?. "No, I can't and I would not. Am gonna find this guy and return his stupid cheque. I mean, what does he thinks of me. Some whore he can pay for sex. I won't allow him to treat me this way"

Zhuocheng stared at his friend, who was ranting. Sighing, he placed his elbow on the table before them with his fingers to his chin."Do you even know the name of this guy?" He finally asked when Xiao Zhan stopped blabbering. "Or where to find him?"

"No, but that doesn't mean I won't recognize him" Xiao Zhan told him but he suddenly pouted. " This is all your fault Cheng, if you hadn't dragged me to that bar, I wouldn't have met this guy"

" Non would you have been blessed with this huge amount of money. Consider it a gift" Zhuocheng rolled his eyes. "Zhan, going to that bar and meeting that man might had been for a reason. You were looking for money, you have money. Use it!"

" I don't think you get it Cheng, I..."

" I know how you feel Zhan, but you need to forget your pride for once. Your uncle's life is more important. Do the thinking after, save your uncle first" Zhuocheng told him as he called over a waiter in the restaurant they were in.

Xiao Zhan sighed as he also rested his forehands on the table. Pride?, Was his dignity more important than his uncle?, Of course not!. He was willing to do anything to make sure his Uncle get the treatment he deserved. He nodded as he had made his decision, he would use the Money to pay for the operation, find this guy and pay him back his money.

Then his eyes caught a guy that was sitting on a table beside them. He was dressed in a black suit and was busy making a phone guy but he suddenly got up and walked out of the restaurant in a hurry but Xiao Zhan's gaze landed on a piece of file left forgotten on the table. Seemed like the man had forgotten his file...

Getting up, Xiao Zhan moved over to the table and picked up the file and immediately ran out of the restaurant, ignoring the calls of Zhuocheng. He scanned both side of the street and found no sight of the man. Wow, he walked fast!

"Zhan!" Zhuocheng suddenly came running towards his friend in a breathless manner as he caught up with him. "Why did you suddenly run out?"

Xiao Zhan titled the file from side to side, examining it. "Some man left his file. They seem important"

"Let me see" Zhuocheng took the file from Xiao Zhan and opened it, reading it's content. "Yes, it's an important document. Wang's Cooperation" Zhuocheng read the name written on the file.

"Wang's Cooperation?, Isn't that like one of the most biggest company's?" Xiao Zhan said, his eyebrows joining in confusion.

" Yes and these files are important. I think you should return it back to the owner" Zhuocheng shoved the file back to Xiao Zhan.

" Why me?, Why don't you return it?" Xiao Zhan frowned.

Zhuocheng smirked. "Because, you saved the file" he turned and went back to the restaurant, where his newly ordered meal was waiting for him.

"I hate my life" Xiao Zhan murmured as he followed Zhuocheng back to the restaurant. Maybe the man would return for his documents...

He waited, waited, waited and waited, still no sign of the person he was waiting for. For the hundredth time, Xiao Zhan stared down at his wrist watch. He breathe out for the hundredth time as he popped his elbow on the table. 'When would this man notice that his file was missing?' Xiao Zhan thought. Looking around the restaurant, he noticed that he was the only costumer left. His gaze landed on the wall clock on the wall as he let out a frustrated breath from his mouth. It was 10 pm and he was still waiting. Zhuocheng had left him as soon as he had his meal with a random girl he met. Xiao Zhan could still remember the smirk Zhuocheng gave him before walking out from the place with the girl hanging on his arm. He rolled his eyes at his friend who was a typical play boy, jumping from one girl to the other for fun. Xiao Zhan shook his head. He pitied that girl that would spend the rest of her life with a man whore. Maybe, just maybe, she would be able to tamed his inner demons.

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