42; Fight It! 18+

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Kindly ignore the errors, too lazy to edit.


The more he stared at the laptop
before him, the more his eyes hardened and heightened.

"Don't be so shocked, men are never faithful, all they need is someone that would satisfy their sexual needs, not some lover that gives him headaches every few seconds. Am surprised he hasn't thrown you out after everything you have done to him, he even lost his child because of you. Tsk, tsk, tsk..." He watched as Jin Mi shook her head dastardly in the video before continuing.

"Poor man, I feel bad for him, carrying such a heavy burden on his shoulder. He must regret meeting you at all. I heard he didn't go to your room, guess where he went...?"

With each word that came out from her mouth, Wang Yibo could feel the words stinging through his heart, cutting on it deeply. Now he poundered, how would Xiao Zhan feel....?

After a few more seconds, the video finally came to an end and everyone present held their breathes waiting for the storm that was coming.

Wang Yibo narrowed his eyes, suddenly having a tranquiled and cloudless posture as he stood without void, gazing directly at the now blank screen.

"Get Xiao Zhan, I don't care how you do. Break the door if possible" he ordered in a deep burly vant, shooting shivers down everyone's backbone. Jin Mi could only slurp as she had no idea where this was beelining.

What was Wang Yibo was trying to do...?!

Without any objections, Haoxuan and Yuchen followed their boss's order, heading towards Xiao Zhan's room.

"Wa-Wang Yi-Yibo, I-I ca-n explain!" She double-talked, her voice wavering as she spoke but Wang Yibo held his hand up, preventing her from speaking further while he continued to stared at the blank screen of the laotop, a huge lump forming in his throat while his outter appearance was limpid and composed.

Not too long, Haoxuan and Yuchen came back with Xiao Zhan while holding both his upper hands. Wang Yibo stared at him, his eyes were reddish and his hair was muddled.

"Sit down!" Wang Yibo ordered in a deadpanned tone which made Xiao Zhan to raise his head and their eyes met, broken orbs met the hardened and voldless ones of Wang Yibo. Xiao Zhan had no choice but to occupy one of the seats silently, like a being forced to be among the living.

Then sharply, Wang Yibo turned to his sister. "Now, I want you to explain why the fuck you would open your mouth to say all that gibberish!!?" His anger finally bursted out, shocking Jin Mi to the core as she wasn't anticipating such a react from her own brother, he was freaking yelling at her because of a man who had bought nothing but mischance in his life.


Jin Mi's eyes widened as she gazed gapely at Wang Yibo. "Y-you c-can't possibly be yelling at me because of him!" She pointed a finger at a downcast Xiao Zhan.

"I swear to God, do not make me go physical with you because you are slowly pushing my buttons!!" He gritted through his teeths. Jin Mi's heart skipped countless of direful beats.

Her lips parted in flabbergast. "I am your kid sister, Wang Yibo. The only family you have left!"


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