Epilogue 01

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"Yuan, who is at the door!?" Xiao Zhan's loud voice came from the inside.

"Daddy?!" The young child passed with uncertainty but when the man outside his door step lifted up his head and gazed into his eyes that bared so much familiarity, Little Yuan's heart best fastly beneath his chest and he slammed the door shut.

Xiao Zhan came out from the kitchen with a towel wiping his hands clean to find his son standing there with his back pressed against the door, his hand clenched tightly on his chest while he stared blankly as if he had just encountered a ghost outside his door step.

"Yuan, what is it, who is at the door?" Xiao Zhan asked worriedly seeing his son's actions as he advanced forward.

"He's at the door!" The young boy muttered to himself.

"Who is at door?" Xiao Zhan grilled again as he was now standing in front of him.

"Daddy" The boy revealed in a soft whisper and Xiao Zhan nearly gasped out loud at his son's words.

Xiao Zhan chuckled nervously. "What are you s-saying Yuan?" His voiced wavered while his heart skipped a beat.

"I'm telling you Papa, Daddy is at the door. I'll show you" The boy said and opened the door to find none other than Zhuocheng standing there with a confused look.

Xiao Zhan sighed in relief while Yuan's eyes narrowed in confusion as he stared at his Uncle.

"What are you doing here?!" The kid bursted without thinking.

"Yuan!!" Xiao Zhan scolded and the kid bowed his head in shame.

"I'm sorry Uncle" the kid said lowly.

Zhuocheng chuckled nervously as he scratched his nape. "Hehe"

"Come in now, I'm already done with dinner" Xiao Zhan invited warmly with a nervous smile and Zhucheng went in with Yuan while Xiao Zhan remained behind, scanning every corner for any figure but found none. He shrugged and went inside, failing to see the black figure coming out from the shadows.


Walking out from his school building, Yuan kept his head low as he sat down under a huge tree and stretched his little legs out while his back pack remained on his shoulders as he waited patiently for his Papa to come pick him up.

He sighed as the glowing sun hit his face. Lora couldn't come as she had a cold which left him all alone as he didn't have much friends, one could say he had no friends at all as he was too shy and too timid to make any friends in school.

He sighed again as he watched his fellow pupils going home with their parents, two parents. He wanted two Papas as well, as much as he hadn't met his Daddy yet, he missed him so much. Not that his Papa was not enough but his Papa was also tired and seem exhausted every single time as he would have to watch over them after work.

Then, his little mind went back to two days ago when he saw that man outside his door step, he was pretty sure that was his daddy. If he had known his daddy would disappear again just like that, he would had never shut that door.

What if he had made his Daddy angry...?

Little Yuan gasped out loud as his thoughts ran over all the places, searching and seeking for answers.

What if he would never see his Daddy again. Now that he thought of it, why did he shut the door in the first place. Maybe he was too excited, or too scared or too stupid.

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