20; Different Direction

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Nabbing a cigarette from his pants, Jiyang ignited it up and sticked it between his lips as he took a long drag before releasing a cloud of smoke into thin air from where he was lounging at the dinning area in Wang Yibo condo, convoying the other guy squatting on one of the couches, motionlessly.

Zhucheng had gone to the kitchen for water as what he just stumble upon was jarring, hair-raising and unannounced. Jiyang smirked. He couldn't blame the other as he would feel the same if he was assailed unanticipated.

Xiao Zhan was pocketing it too readily from what he envisaged. He was anticipating the other to go through some attack just as he was informed but he got none.

Xiao Zhan sighed, the silent was gauche and nettlesome for a arduous Xiao Zhan who kept buffing his palms together perturbed, licking his dehydrated lips, shutting his eyes as he felt an headache acting up.

"Here, have this" Zhucheng handed over a glass of water to Xiao Zhan, who took it with trembling hands.

"Th-thanks!" He stammered, taking a sip before inhaling deeply but he coughed out instead when be breathe in an unpleasant smell.

"Can you quite smoking!" Zhucheng shouted at Jiyang.

Jiyang rolled his eyes as he immediately dropped the cigarette and stepped on it. "Jeez, don't shout at me. Even my boyfriend doesn't do that"

"I can't believe you still have an attitude, did you realize what just happened to us earlier. We were nearly killed!" Zhucheng raised his voice.

"Yeah I know, which is why Wang Yibo sent me here to watch over you" Jiyang answered as if he was having a usual conversation. Xiao Zhan's head jerked up.

"Wang Yibo knows abouts this?" Xiao Zhan polled. Wang Yibo had been gone for two days but no buzz had he received from the other and even when he tried to call him, his line wasn't reachable.

Jiyang smirked. "Of course he does, which was why he asked me to protect you as he knew they would come after you without his presence"

"They?, Who are th..?" Xiao Zhan probed but was chipped in when a impact came from the door. His heart picken, Zhucheng promptly pulled him up on his feet as Jiyang pulled his gun out, going towards the door.

"Oh my God, I can't believe am gonna die like this" Xiao Zhan whimpered in a whisper, shutting his mouth with his hand as he was now being shield by Zhucheng as they hid themselves behind a couch.

"Shhhh...!" Jiyang whispered, placing his ear on the door. With one hand on his gun and the other at the door, he swinged the door opened and held his gun out, aiming to shoot any intruder.

"What the fuck are you doing, Jiyang!" A female voice screech.

Jiyang soughed in solace, putting down his gun as he saw who was at the door. Meng Ziyi, Li Bowen and Yu Bin. "What took you guys so long?!"

"We are sorry, he got struck in traffic" Ziyiy riposted.

Jiyang rolled his eyes before sporting a simper. "I think between the both of us, it's obvious who would be sorry when the boss finds out you nearly had his boyfriend and baby killed"

Her eyes expanded in trepidation. Licking her lips, she responded "You won't dare" she blinked and the fearful look was gone. "Move away" she pushed him out of the way and made her way into the condo, with the guys following behind her quietly.

"You can come out now" Jiyang yelled out to the two individuals still enshrouding themselves behind the couch. Zhucheng and Xiao Zhan slowly rised on their feet, their gazes hysterical and disquieted.

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