23; Wang Haikuan

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Twirling the wheels, he blisteringly drove on the road like pro...maybe he was.

The horns coming from his car were apoplectic, just the way he felt at the very moment. With a wail, he ruffled his hair backwards with his left hand while the other remained at the wheels. His black hair was disarrayed and sloppy, his typically warm eyes were blood shot like a deranged man, who was ready to put the trigger on the head of the person responsible for his insomniac nights, his pants were begrimed and his white sleeves were left unbuttoned from the top, unveiling his bold chest but he didn't care...why in heavens name would he care about his appearance at such a moment.

How long had it been, when would all this ever stop. Why couldn't he go back to that loving family he used to have...even though everything was forgeried. Why did everything had to fluctuate, why couldn't he dwell in it even if it was just an illusion of what would happen in the future.

Oh, he knew why everything fell apart, why everything came crashing like dirt, why his happiness was catch short, why those moments were short lived. It was all because of one person, the person responsible for all their nightmares.

With one finally spin, he parked the car right outside the front gate, he immediately got down from the car, slamming the door shut loudly. He matched towards the gate and the security guard left him in. Before him, everything was dislimned, his vision was completely beclouded, his eyes completely purblinded by the choler and loathed he felt and carried for the person behind everyone's misfortune.

Servants, who came across him could only run for their lives as they felt a demon had finally found their home but they could burn in hell he for all he cared.

Finally, he made in to the living room and luckily for him, the witch was there, legs crossed, reading a magazine like she owned the world but only a mad man would try to sell the world to her. Unfortunately, she couldn't own it like she had planned.

"Mother...!" He let out, his tone dripping with hatred that one had never felt for the one that carried him in her stomach for nine months and bought him out to this atrocious and deleterious world, the same person responsible for his misfortunes.

"What brings you here, Son?" Madam Hua grilled calmly, not taking her eyes off the magazine she was so engrossed in.

"Mother" That word felt bitter in his system, it bought a bitter and sour taste in his mouth. He felt disgusted calling this cruel woman his mother. If this was what it felt like having a mother, then he would rather be an orphan all his life. What was the point of having a mother if she was an enemy. "How could you do that?"

"Be more specific son" her attention still glue on the magazine.

"Did you sent men after Xiao Zhan...?" He dropped the main question.

Her movement halted for a second but she immediately recovered as she continued her reading. "So, you already knew Wang Yibo has a partner"

"What is your problem, why can't you let them be. Haven't you done enough damage already!" his voice rised as it echoed through out the whole mansion. It was rare seeing the oldest son of the Wangs this angry as he was always so calm, collected and carefree. Whatever made him provoke must be serious.

Madam Hua promptly stood on her feet, glaring at her only son. "Don't you dare raise your voice at me Haikuan. I am still your mother. Don't think I have forgotten what you did to me five years ago"

"Wasn't that enough? Why do you want to wipe all that exists of her, I thought she was your sister!" Haikuan ruffled his hair.

"Wang Yibo has to pay for everything and transfer all that he owns to my name" she stated and he stared at her unbelieving.

"It's all about the money isn't it? Please I beg you, leave Wang Yibo and Xiao Zhan alone, what did that poor boy with a fragile pregnancy even do to you huh?"

"He is part of Wang Yibo. To hurt someone, you have to go for his weakness. I did that five years ago, I can still do that now" she sat down and crossed her legs.

Five years ago, his heart ached just by thinking of it. He wanted to save them, he tried to save them, but at the end he failed. He couldn't save them and Wang Yibo blamed him for it. He scoffed inwardly, he wouldn't blame the other for hating him. After all, he worked for his mother back then, they all worked for her, failing for her manipulating and alluring skills and before any of them realized it, it was already too late for the twins and Ji Mi.

The memories were still fresh as they refused to leave him and hunt him every night for his mistakes, for what he tired to do but failed. They hunt him, day and night, he had no escape, he couldn't escape even if there was one.

Five years ago, if he hadn't pulled Wang Yibo out from that house, it would have been his boom instead of the twins. He thought he could save all of them by saving Wang Yibo first, he didn't even realize when Ji and Yi sneaked out from the house going for their little sister. Wang Yibo was the target since he was the oldest, he had the right to his mother's and father's properties, that was what the witch wanted.

She manipulated Wang Yibo and his siblings, making them believe she loved them and was willing to do everything for them. He still remembered those memories, those times when everything was perfect but fake.

"Leave them alone" he gritted his teeth, only the heavens knew how much self restrain he had. "I swear to God, if anything ever happens to Xiao Zhan, I will come after you"

She got up and sent a slap towards his direction. "Do you realize he is the one who stole your father from you, your happiness!" She shouted.

"Father...?, I stayed without a father for years. You never told me Wang Yibo was my step brother. You betrayed your whole family when you revealed the truth!!"

"I only wanted you to have a complete family...!

"Oh, spear me that bullshit because you never for once cared for me as your son. You used me for thirty years, remember? He yelled.

Madam Hua sighed. Licking her lips, she eyed her son. "Why are you here Haikuan, did you come here for us to catch up on all those years we've been apart"

"Leave Wang Yibo alone!"

Madam Hua smirked. "Do you think by going against me, he would forgive you for what you have done. You are responsible for half his problems you know. Do you think he will let you or anyone behind everything he has gone through live happily. He is only counting his fingers, numbering the days he would finally strike. Do you really think he will come after me alone. We are part of this remember?"

Unable to take her bullshit any longer, Haikuan pulled out a gun from his back, pointing it at the witch before him. His eyes were now brighter than the color red and just at that moment, Li Cheng came out from nowhere, pointing a gun to Haikuan's head.

"What do you think you are doing Haikuan, you are in my domain. If you do anything stupid, you won't be able to make it out live, son or not, I will surely make you pay" she glared daggers at him, his actions were completely unexpected.

"Do I look like I care if I live or not, I have been dead from the inside since five years ago. If killing you is the only way for my little brother to have the life that he seeks, I will surely do it and end myself as well!"

Madam Hua smirked cunningly, taking a step towards him, unafraid of the gun being pointed at her. "Do it, I dare you Wang Hai kuan!"

Wow, Haikuan and his mother left me speechless.

Share your thoughts on this chapter. Let's return to our angry lion and his poor kitten. Can't wait to have Wang Yibo back in action.

Catch you later...!

Happy Reading...!

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