47; How Would it End

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"Li Cheng is the son of your uncle, Xiao Ying" Wang Yibo revealed and a loud gasp escaped Xiao Zhan's lips as he stared shockingly at the subject, who bursted out laughing at his own mystery, his own dismay, his own pain, his own stupidity. His laughs filled the room we they sounded regreful, sorrowful and painful to Xiao Zhan's ears.

"I don't understand?" Xiao Zhan stated as he veered his gaze to Wang Yibo for explaination.

Wang Yibo sighed as he felt an headache coming up. "His Mother Lu Su was once your uncle's sweetheart before she got married to another man while pregnant. She never told him, he never knew till the day he died" he explained and Xiao Zhan's eyes widened as if they wanted to pop out from their sockets while Li Cheng's laughs got older and heavier.

"I thought my dad didn't want me. I loathed him, I loathed them so much for abandoning me in an old couple's door step. I wanted to make them pay, let them know the feeling of being left alone in this world!!! "He cried out bitterly as his laughs got more regreful. "Not soon, the old couple died and left me with nothing but a huge load on my shoulders, then Madam Hua found me, she promised to help me if I work for her. Together we found my birth mother, I ended her stupid worthless life for the mystery she put me through but when I found out my dad had no idea of my existence. I wanted to find him and maybe, know the feeling of being loved by a father but she refused to help me further but I didn't give up, I tried to find him but failed till the last hour. I watched as she shot him, he gazed up at me with pain filled and sadden eyes but I never understood, I watched him took his last breathe, I watched him lose his soul, then I blasted his home with his body inside, that was when I learned the truth. I Freaking Killed My Father!! " He bursted out laughing and chocked on his own blood pouring from his mouth as his laughs soon turned into pitiful cries. He wailed, he weeped, he cried at his mystery, his life. His veins nearly popped out on his forehead while his eyes went deadly and bloodshot as he soon bursted into laughter again like a mad man.

Xiao Zhan stared at the broken msn with his mouth agaped while Wang Yibo had enough of the scene as he took Xiao Zhan's hand dragged him out from his special basement, all the way back to their bedroom as he slammed the door shut behind him.

"Stay the fuck away from my basement Xiao Zhan!!" Wang Yibo gritted through his teeth as he gave the other a warning glare which Xiao Zhan ignored blurtly.

"What are you going to do to him?" Xiao Zhan questioned seriously.

"I know he had no choice and he's your uncle's son but that does not justify what he has done. He freaking planted the bomb that took my siblings life and the one that nearly took our life's hour ago!!" Wang Yibo suddenly raised his voice as his veins came popping out from his head whole his eyes took another color.

Xiao Zhan immediately grabbed both his hands as his tears tracked down his face. "Please, I-I know he has done a lot of bad things but he deserves another chance. Please, don't hurt him" he pleaded in a shaky tone.

Wang Yibo took his hands back as he put a reasonable distance between them as he gazed him with hardened orbs. "I'm sorry but I can't do that"

Instantly, Xiao Zhan was on his knees as he hugged Wang Yibo's legs tightly and sobbed loudly. "Please, he is all that uncle has left. I beg you, I'll do anything" he sobbed loudly..

Wang Yibo sighed defeated, he slowly bought his hands up and robbed his temple and hesitantly  placed his hands on the other's shoulders and helped him up on his feet. He cupped Xiao Zhan's faced and wiped his eyes with his thumbs. "Stop crying, it's hurts seeing you like this" he said softly.

"You won't hurt him?" Xiao Zhan asked and Wang Yibo nodded and Xiao Zhan broke into smiles as he wiped traces of tears on his face.

Wang Yibo pinched his cheek lightly. "Stop being cute, will you?"

Xiao Zhan chuckled between his tears as he wrapped his around around the other's waist and rested his head on his bold chest, inhaling his addictive scent. "I'm sorry for yelling at you earlier"

"It's okay, I understand" Wang Yibo whispered planting a soft kiss on the other's head. "Come, let's rest" he added and carried Xiao Zhan in bridal style and took him over to the bed and slowly placed him on the bed. He jumped on the other side and held the other person close to him as they enjoyed each other's warmth, comfort and embrace. "It's gonna be okay" Wang Yibo whispered while softly caressing Xiao Zhan's upper arm.

"Mn" Xiao Zhan responded as he slowly closed his eyes and fell into a deep peaceful slumber.

Two Nights Later


The sound of his phone was what woke him up. Wang Yibo slowly fluttered his eyes opened as the sound of his phone ringing filled his ears. He gazed down to find Xiao Zhan sleeping peacefully with his head rested on Wang Yibo's chest. Wang Yibo stretched his hand out and took the phone from the little table beside the bed but it had already stopped ringing. He stared at the screen and saw that the time was only 10pm.

Soon, the phone started ringing again and he immediately got out from bed, carefully not to wake the other soul up. He walked over to the bathroom and answered the call as he pressed the phone to his ears and a voice came from the other side.

"Hello" a female voice came from the other side and his eyes immediately darker as he recognized the voice.

"What do you want?" He questioned in a deadpanned tone and it went quiet from his side as the person stated her business and reasons for calling him at such time and he hanged up the call a few seconds later as his eyes had taken another color while his grip on the phone tightened with every second that passed by as he breathe out slowly with his teeth clenched, a knot built in his stomach and a lump formed in his throat, growing heavier with every passing second.

Placing his phone down on the sink, he washed his face and walked out from the bathroom. He went over the wallrobe and changed his outfit to a black leather jeans, a white Shirt, a black jacket and black boots. He took out a gun and filled it with bullets before pucking it at the back of his pants. Then he turned back to the bed where the other person laid peaceful without nightmares. He advanced forward, he gazed down at Xiao Zhan, who was unaware of his surroundings. Wang Yibo leaned down and pressed his lips on Xiao Zhan's forehead deeply and slowly withdraw himself. "You are okay, that's all that matters" he whispered with determination. He continued to gaze down at him with so much passion and longing, with a sudden sadness in his eyes.

How would it end...?

Who would go down first...?

What was going to happen....?

Wang Yibo shook his head, clearing all those thoughts from his head. He couldn't afford to think all of that at such a moment. As long as Xiao Zhan was fine, Wang Yibo had nothing to lose in his life. He drew in a deep breath as his eyes had suddenly turned darker than the night outside his mansion. Then he walked, without stealing another glance at the other person, Wang Yibo walked out through the door

How would it end....?

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