51; Is It Over?

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While the five men carried Haoxuan, Jiyang, Bowen and Zi on their backs and ran out, Zhuocheng and FanXing struggled to pulled Xiao Zhan away from Wang Yibo's cold body but he held him even more tightly, refusing to let go, wanting to join him as he weeped and wailed to go with his lover.

Finally being able to take hold of himself, Yu Bin joined them as they were finally able to pull him away and dragged him out from sight while his cries got louder and louder by the minute.

But Haikuan still remained as he stood quietly in front of his mother before squatting down to her level as she laid on the floor struggling to breathe as she pant while her entire right arm was gone.

She gazed up at him, her breathing began to come out slow as her eyes suddenly softened at the sight of her son, her eyes showing an emotion he had never seen in his entire existence, something she lacked for so many years, the affection that only a mother could display. Slowly she bought her hand up and caressed his cheek softly, tenderly and slowly with warmth while he shut his eyes, leaning into her touch.

For a moment he decided to forget what she had done, all she had caused, for a moment he chose to forget but when he opened his eyes and gazed into her orbs, he was stroke back to reality that this woman was never what he thought her to be, she was the true definition of reality, his cruel, painfull reality.

A single tear drop escaped his eyes. "I'm sorry mother" he whispered in a light tone.

"It's over, you'll finally get what you've always wanted. The peace that I refused to give you all those years" she replied nearly above a whisper. "End it and Get out!" She told him as her hand dropped.

He nodded and stood up straight and pulled out a gun from the back of his pants. "Take care Mother!" he passed one last time.

Then she smile and shut her tears, a single tear drop didn't fail to escape one last time. "Take care Son!"


He pulled the trigger one last time, shortening her long painful death. He wiped his tears and turned to his didi and bursted into another set of tears, forgetting the fact that his time was also tickling against the clock as time ran faster, wanting everything to be over as soon as possible.

"I'm sorry Little Bobo, GeGe still failed to protect you even at the end, at the last minute" he squated done and caressed Wang Yibo's hair but his eyes suddenly flee opened and he grabbed Haikuan's wrist.

"Haikuan-Ge!" he called in a light voice.

"Yibo-Di!" Haikuan exclaimed with widened eyes and the other person immediately fell back into unconsciousness.


Luckily they all ran out from the building and Xiao Zhan spined in time as the building bursted into flames, leaving nothing in it's paths and he screamed on top of his voice with Zhucheng as Haikuan was still in that building, part of that burning fire and suddenly, Xiao Zhan fainted and Little FanXing caught in time before he landed on the hard ground while Zhuocheng suddenly lost his spirit as he sat down and stared unblinkingly at the brightly catching fire.


It was quiet, too quiet to the point a pin drop could the heard. He paced, going from one corner of the room to the other with a hand over his mouth while the other one remained on his slim waist. His eyes were hot and bloodshot, his clothing were dirty and stained with blood that obviously didn't belong to him as he didn't have any wound on his body, his hair was out of place from continuous ransacking and racking, his breathings were heavy yet soft while his heart pound loudly beneath his chest.

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