06; New Job

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Finally, his uncle was discharged from the hospital and was brought back to his home, that had been abandoned for days.

"Zhan, I never asked you where you got the money for my operation" his uncle inquired as he settled himself down on one of the couches, with the help of Zhuocheng who chuckle at the unexpected question.

"Zhan made a new friend..." Zhuocheng started but was smacked on the back of his head by Xiao Zhan.

"A friend...?" His uncle asked questioningly, with his left eye brow raised higher than normal.

Xiao Zhan gave a nervous laugh as he scratched the back of his head. "Don't mind him uncle, I borrowed it from someone. Am planning on paying it back as soon as you get better" he told his uncle in a smooth line. It wasn't completely a lie, he was indeed planning on paying it back as soon as his uncle got better and he had found himself a new job.

"Oh really...?" Zhuocheng questioned as he knowingly crossed his hands over his chest and he smiled cunningly at him. His uncle, not failing to advertence the unspoken dialogue between the two, laughed out loud.

"You finally got yourself a boyfriend, A-zhan...?"

Xiao Zhan choked at his uncle's brupt words, while Zhuocheng's chuckled in amusement. "Of course not Uncle. It was just a friend that was kind enough to led me a loan to take care of you. Zhuocheng is just being Zhuocheng" Xiao Zhan turned and walked to the kitchen, going to prepare his uncle his lunch.

"I didn't say anything!" Zhuocheng yelled as both men chuckled together. It was fun teasing the other sometimes.


Later that day, Zhuocheng and Xiao Zhan made themselves back to their little apartment after taking care of the old man.

"Guess what Cheng-Cheng" Xiao Zhan said to his friend, who was sitting on a couch opposite of him, reading a magazine with a half naked model as cover. Xiao Zhan shook his head.

Being a weekend, both had no work to do. Zhuocheng worked in a bar as a bartender while Xiao Zhan worked as a waiter in a small restaurant. Both were college drop outs. Zhuocheng stopped schooling when his parents and sister died in a plane crash, he was among the few people who survived that horrible scene. Being only nineteen that time, it was a big blow for him and he had to drop out when he could no longer afford, just like Xiao Zhan. Both men met in college and since then, they had become the best of friends, living under the same roof and paying the rent together. One could say they were brothers from different parents.

"Chen Alan asked you out again..." Zhuocheng guessed after a few seconds of silent, his attention glue to the magazine, making Xiao Zhan roll his orbs dramatically as he threw a hand pillow towards his direction and it went straight for the paper, knocking it out from his hand. Xiao Zhan giggled while Zhuocheng threw a glare at him as he picked up his magazine and emplaced it on his thighs as he deverted his attention towards his friend.

"You have all of me now, can you tell me the good news, A-zhan" Zhuocheng purred, flattering his eyelashes in a seductive manner.

Xiao Zhan made a sore face. "That's disgusting Zhuocheng, try doing that to your girlfriends"

Zhuocheng rolled his eyes with a snort. " You are being dramatic A-zhan. Are you telling me or not...!" His voice sounded irritated.

" Fine...! I found myself a new job that pays way better than the my current job" Xiao Zhan announced, grinning from ear to ear.

Zhuocheng's ears picked up. "Really, what job is that?" He inquired.

" Housekeeping, it turns out the owner of the house normally stays in his condo, I just have to keep the place clean twice a week." Xiao Zhan explained to him. " I'll start tomorrow"

"That's great Xiao Zhan. But don't work yourself out. You have been pale lately and look tired" Zhuocheng pointed out.

Xiao Zhan sighed as he brushed his hair with his hand in annoyance. Zhuocheng was right. He had no idea when it started but for the past week now, he had been feeling headaches, tiredness, backache, nauseous, increased urination and shortness of breath. Xiao Zhan chuckled inwardly, one could say he was having pregnancy symptoms. But he couldn't be pregnant right...?, as much as male pregnancy was very common, there was no way he could be pregnant.

"Did Mr Wang used a condom...?" Zhuocheng suddenly asked, staring at his friend closely, who gaped at him widely.

"Are you saying am Pregnant...!" Xiao Zhan stared unbelievingly at Zhuocheng, as he gaped like a fish out of water.

Zhuocheng raised his hands in a surrendering manner as he rested his back on the couch. "Don't come at me. Am just asking. You had sex a few days ago, so don't be serious if you pop up pregnant" he chuckled, finding amusement in his gibberish.

"Whatever...!" Xiao Zhan stood up and walked away to his bedroom but he didn't fail to hear the last words of Zhuocheng.

"I can't wait to be an uncle..."



he next morning, Xiao Zhan found himself standing before a large mansion with a bag pack on his shoulder. His gaze went down to the address given to him again, just to be sure he was at the right place. Shrugging, Xiao Zhan went towards the front gate and rang the doorbell and almost immediately, he heard a come in from the CCTV camera outside.

Opening the gates, he strolled in. Without bothering to knock, he went in through the main doors and was met with the inside of a castle as everything was sparkling and eye catching, almost blinding. But his attention was captured by a woman dressed in a office attires, he turned his attention to her and greeted her with a bow and a polite smile but he only got a snort in response as she crossed her hands over her chest, giving him a disgusted look. Xiao Zhan couldn't help but wonder what he did to the woman. If he could remember clearly, she was extra rude to him even in the interview. He only had to tolerate her because he wanted the freaking job.

"You look pregnant..." She snarled at him, her noise wrinkled in disgust. He was about to response but she waved her hand in front of him, silencing him. "I don't care how you look, it's even better if you are gestation . It would make things easier. While working here, you are to follow one rule, and that is staying away from the boss anytime he visits. Don't talk to him, look at him and stay away from his path" she told him, her eyes glaring and daring, challenging him to go against her.

Feeling undisturbed by her rules, Xiao Zhan shrugged and nodded. He had no business with the so called boss, he was only here to work and get paid. She could shove her stupid boss in her ass for all he cared.

"I would have loved to show you around but am busy. You can find your way. Don't steal anything." With that, she walked pass him and left the house, her heels slamming on the floor, taking her claim.

Xiao Zhan crossed his hands over his chest as he watched her retreating back. "Maybe, she is his lover and do not want anyone near him" he snickered and turned around. " Now, let's get down to business"

Sorry for the late update, I just realized that writing a plot isn't as easy as I thought. I think I will just stick to reading but I can't go back now. I will have to finish what I started. Please, don't hesitate to share your thoughts, I would be more than happy to hear what you think.

Don't forget to vote as well, catch ya later...!! 

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