43; A Taste of Her Own Medicine

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Taking Jin Mi to her room, Yuchen pushed her on the bed and left after locking the door behind him.

Jin Mi huffed, hitting her hands on the bed before crossing them over her chest, the events downstairs still fresh in her mind as she still couldn't believe her own brother would punish her all because of some stranger that could walk out anytime he liked.

Not too long, she heard the creaking sound of the door opening and she lifted up her head to find Jiyang walking in, she raised an eyebrow. For someone who just woke up from a coma, he sure did moved a lot and Haoxuan let him. She sighed, the bottoms always had control over the tops just like her brother, being controlled by some outlander.

"What do you want?" She passed rudely, glaring draggers at him but he chuckled, finding amusement in her childishness.

"I guess no one is happy to see me after sleeping for so long but I've got to make my presence known that am back" he made his way over to a couch and sat himself down, crossing his legs as he stared at her in a thoughtful manner. "You know one thing that puzzles me is, you've never met Xiao Zhan before but you just judged him when you of all people should know how it feels like to be judged for something they had no control over."

"I was only having fun and do I look like I care about him, he is nothing but a fault in Wang Yibo's life, a complete lade!" She spat.

Jiyang rolled his eyes. "Do you realize Wang Yibo was the one who ruined Xiao Zhan's peaceful life by dragging him into this shit. If you are going to blame anyone, blame your brother!"

"I don't care, I just don't like him for Wang Yibo, my brother deserves the best not some weak person" she huffed.

Jiyang licked his lips and scoffed. "You know, I've never met anyone that is stronger than Xiao Zhan, you want to know why, because after everything he is still here, fighting because he loves your brother so much. Trust me, if I was Xiao Zhan, I would have ran after the first the attack considering the aweful state he was in. He wasn't ignorant but ignorant at the same time. He was once a free bird, doing whatever he wanted with no fear of a gun being pressed to his head but that freedom was stolen from him when he met your brother. He can't even step out without being ambushed. Now tell me, what right did you have to judge him and say those hurtful words to him when you have also experienced a little bit of pain!"

"What I felt was more a little bit of pain, I was raised as a money making slut!" A single tear drop slipped out from her eyes as she thought back to those painful memories of continuous suffering with no hope of being rescued.

"Now, what I just did was what what you did to Xiao Zhan earlier, even worse. Tell me, how would he feel. I know you had no proper training as your mother died when you were a kid but before you speak, put yourself in their shoes then you would understand what they went through but still struggled to make it out from the pit" he stood up. "Pack your bags, you are leaving for the US till the boss feels like to bring you back. Before that, I recommend you amend your shitty attitude by getting more involved with people" Without any other words, he walked out and she slipped down on the floor, hugging her knees at her chest as a scream of agnoy left her mouth.

A taste of her own medicine.


The chipping sound of the morning birds and the bright light of the rising sun was what woke him up as his eyes fluttered opened, the pale white ceiling coming into view. He sighed bringing a hand up to his temple, rubbing on it slowly.

"Good morning" he heard deep a voice ranged in his ears and he slightly shifted his head to the side and his eyes met that of Wang Yibo's, who on his side, facing Xiao Zhan with an elbow pressed to the bed and his head resting on his palm. He beamed and Xiao Zhan gulped, blinking a few times taking the other's handsomeness early in the morning, then the events of the previous night raced back to his head and he immediately lowered his gaze, turning into a deep shape of red.

Wang Yibo used his other hand and placed a finger below Xiao Zhan's chin and shifted his gaze back to him. "I want to see you when you blush. You are cute" he leaned down and pressed his lips down on his, biting in his lower lip before putting away, gazing deep into his alluring orbs.

"I love you, I don't ever want you to forget that because you mean the whole world to me. If getting rid of everyone is the only way to be with you then I would gladly do it and I don't ever want you to think I regreted our first meeting because that night was a dream that I never thought would come true for me. You came into my life and made me see colors instead of darkness and made me see there is another meaning to life other than revenge. I love you so much Xiao Zhan, I don't want you to doubt my love for you" Wang Yibo expressed with meaningfulness.

Xiao Zhan blinked, he blinked again, trying to get the words into his head. "We'll never have a child again" he whispered in a low tone.

Wang Yibo shook his head "Doesn't matter, we could always adopt or hire a surrogate mother. I promise you, all this would be over soon and I'll make sure you make it out alive"

Xiao Zhan bought his hands up and cupped his face in his palms. "We'll make it out alive, I promise you" he bought his face down and pressed their lips together, he wrapped his arms around his neck and held him closer, wanting more of that warmth he had to offer, Xiao Zhan graved more of it and that was what he got as Wang Yibo laid flat on the bed and Xiao Zhan go on top of him, while breaking the kiss he sat on the other person's lower body, covered with a box. He placed his hands on Wang Yibo's chest and grinded his butt.

"You took care of me last night, I want to do the same for you" Xiao Zhan whispered while biting his lower lip seductive, Wang Yibo got addicted watching the scene before him, yearning more of this man.

"Marry me!" Wang Yibo bursted without thinking and Xiao Zhan chuckled lightly, a melodious sound in Wang Yibo's ear. Oh, how he would do anything to get those laughs out from him.

"When do you want it?" Xiao Zhan questioned, not stopping for a moment as he continued to grind his butt, teasing the other person beneath him.

Wang Yibo shut and opened his eyes as the pleasure intensified, taking him to a whole different level, he couldn't help but left out a few moans from his mouth. "You're teasing me" he choked out and Xiao Zhan chuckled again.

"And I'm loving it very much"

In one swift movement, Wang Yibo changed their position as he was now the one hovering over the other person.

"Hey, am supposed to take care of you this time" Xiao Zhan whined and pouted.


Wang Yibo smirked. "You have plenty of time in the future to take care of me, I can't stand your teasing and about the wedding, we'll have it as soon as possible" he slashed his lips on the other's and sucked on his lower lip like an hungry lion.

Xiao Zhan chuckled between kisses.


Sweet times over, let's get into some actions. I starting to miss Madam Hua and her cunning ways.

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