Epilogue 02

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"Wang Yibo?!" Xiao Zhan called with uncertainty in his voice and his breathe immediately got caught in his throat and when the person before him took off his hoodie from his head, finally revealing his identity, Xiao Zhan nearly lost his balance but he held himself steady with the couch.

Then he bursted out laughing at his own his misfortune as tears gathered in his eyes and his heart pound faster than it had ever did before. He immediately placed a hand over his chest and clenched tightly.

"Are you alright?" Wang Yibo asked worriedly taking a step forward but Xiao Zhan held his palm out, stopping him on his tracks.

"Shut up, you are just another one of my nightmares, just my imagination again" he uttered to himself with his eyes shut tightly.

"But Papa, you are not dreaming" Yuan said as he ran to Wang Yibo, slipping through Xiao Zhan's hands who tried to catch him.

"Yuan, come back here. That's not your Daddy!" Xiao Zhan voiced out.

"What are you saying Papa?"

"Your Daddy is dead!!" Xiao Zhan bursted out without thinking and immediately regreted as the kids gasped loudly.

"Xiao Zh..." Wang Yibo tried to chip but Xiao Zhan interrupted.

He pointed his finger at the supposed dead person. "Whoever you are, just shut up and get the fuck out my door. My Wang Yibo is dead, dead!!" He suddenly screamed feeling his heart crashing and breaking into so many and tiny pieces.

It couldn't he true right? This man couldn't be Wang Yibo?
Wang Yibo was dead since five years ago...right?

Then who the hell was this person?

Wang Yibo sighed, feeling frustrated but at least Xiao Zhan was taking it better than expected. "Look Xiao Zhan, I didn't die. I survive. I only stayed away"

"SHUT UP!!!" The emotional person screamed in a loud vent as his tears came streaming down like a river.

It couldn't be.

Even if his Wang Yibo was still alive, he wouldn't stay away for so long, putting him through so much pain and mystery, so much suffering. How could he just show up now and expect him to believe he didn't die as he had thought.

Yuan immediately ran to the kitchen and bought a glass of water for his Papa who gulped down and sat down on a couch, trying to calm himself down.

"Lora, Yuan. To your room right now!" He ordered and the kids didn't protest as they raced to their room, leaving the two confusing adults in the room.

Just then, Xiao Zhan stood up and matched over to the other person and held him tightly by the collar, putting him closer and gazed directly into his eyes with so much hardest and pain. Wang Yibo would had gulped in fear but he stood his ground and didn't break the contact.

"I swear to God, I'll kill you right now for fucking lying to me and taking the face of my lover to deceive me and my kids!!" Xiao Zhan warned deadly but Wang Yibo silently stared, saying so much with his eyes, wanting the other person to truly believe, wanting badly for the other person to read his read his eyes. It went quiet for a few minutes and slowly Xiao Zhan's eyes slowly softened as he couldn't find any form of lying in the other person's eyes, couldn't find any form of deceit but found only regret and sorrow.

Xiao Zhan grip on the other's collar slowly loosened and his hands fell on his side weakly as he took a step back while fresh tears slipped out in a heavy drops. "Wang Yibo, it couldn't be" he muttered.

"Xiao Zhan, I can explain why I stayed away for long, I wanted to come back, I really did but I couldn't as much as I wanted to, I had to stay hidden in the shadows. I-I know I'm at fault but please, believe that it's me your Wang Yibo. No one else can have this face expect me". Wang Yibo rant helplessly and just then, Haoxuan and Zhuocheng came in and they had the biggest shock of their lives.

"Boss!!" Haoxuan exclaimed and ran towards his boss without thinking and embraced him tightly while sobbing loudly just like the day he thought he lost him but this time, it wasn't from tears of lament but tears of happiness and delight. "I can't believe, you were alive all this while" He said while breaking the hug. "What happened?"

Wang Yibo shook his head. "It's a long story"

"We have plenty of time" Xiao Zhan chipped in, still staring at the other unbelieving.

Wang Yibo sighed. Who said it would be easy convincing the other person. Everyone occupied a couch, waiting for his tale.

"I could have died that day, but I had a bullet proof vest on and luckily, Haikuan was still there when I gained consciousness and he got us out from the building before it exploded" Wang Yibo revealed and they all gasped.

"Haikuan is still alive?" Zhuocheng asked emotionally.

"Yes but we barely survived that night but luck found us as a couple took us to the hospitals where I went into comma. They had to shift me to the states where I stayed in comma for two years" he continued and gaspes were heard again from everyone especially Xiao Zhan who bought a hand over his mouth.

Here he thought he was the only one suffering but Wang Yibo went through worst than any of them did.

"When I woke up, I couldn't remember anything for one and a half year and when my memories started to return, it got too much and I snapped, destroying every thing. I recall being locked up in my hospital bed every single time with chains till a few months ago when I calmed down and Haikuan bought us back to China but I had to stay in the hospital because I still wasn't steady as they feared I would snap again and hurt someone I loved" Few tears drops slipped out as he thought back to his aweful and painful moments when he had to see no one but those pale white hospital walls for so long to the point he got used to seeing them every single day. He recalled the agnoy he felt everytime a memory would come back, striking him hardly, how he struggled to stay alive...but in the end he survived and that was all that mattered but in the end, him still failed, he failed to person the person he loved most and put him through so much pains, he failed to raise and watched his kids grow. He believed he almost lost the battle, even Xiao Zhan was mad at him but...it was worth it right? He had to save them, even if he didn't know Yuan and Lora were already on their way.

After all, they all survived and the evils ones were gone from their lives but as he lifted up his head and gazed at the man he loved more than his life.

Wang Yibo believed...it worth more than it his sacrifice.

If given the chance, he would do it, he would pull Xiao Zhan away and sealed him from those bullets again and again...with no regrets.

On the line to victory, many lives were lost and wasted innocently but in the end, they won the battle and got the peace they've always wanted and deserved.

<The End>

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