28; HeartBreak.

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"I can't believe am here again?" Jiyang grizzled, rolling his eyes as he shadowing Xiao Zhan from one corner of the kitchen to the other while the pregnant person was making lunch.

Xiao Zhan shook his head. He also couldn't believe he would be putting up with that for the whole day. Wang Yibo had to leave for work as he had an important meeting that required his presence. "You are whiny" he said to the other person, now standing beside the kitchen counter.

Jiyang scoffed unbelieving."Look who's talking"

Xiao Zhan rolled his eyes. "Am pregnant" he defended himself.

"That does not justify what you put me through for five days" Jiyang retorted. "What are you even making, you have been cooking since I got here"

"Which was 20 minutes ago. Can you drive me to the office later, I need to give Wang Yibo his lunch" Xiao Zhan requested, packaging a box of food.

"Am not your driver!" Jiyang huffed, crossing his hands over his chest.

"No, you are my watch dog" Xiao Zhan replied causally and Jiyang mouth fell on the floor.

"You-" Jiyang could no longer form any words.

"What?" Xiao Zhan shrugged. "Just shut your mouth and just take me to the office" he ordered before walking out from the kitchen, throwing the apron over Jiyang's head, who throw it on the floor and stepped on it harshly, imagining Xiao Zhan under his feet.


Walking out from his office, Wang Yibo headed towards the conference room, a secretary walking behind him, trying to catch up with his long legs.

Wang Yibo stared ahead, his face catatonic and flinty, his eyes stiffen and blemish. His firm and bold body covered in an expensive black suit, his steps were ostentatious and ponderous, making aware of his presence, workers cornering away from their boss in fear.

Reaching the opulent room, all the members stood up on their feet, Wang Yibo elegantly made his way to the executive chair and sat himself down, his secretary standing behind him. He nodded his head and everyone took back their seats, a dark aura surrounding the room.

Wang Yibo scanned the room with his dark eyes, eyeing every face present. "Where are the Jans?" He questioned in a dark tone, noticing how some were missing in the room.

At that moment, the door opened and a lady walked in, in a seductive outfit, completely inappropriate for their meeting. Making her way in, all eyes were glue on her, her body making men gulp down their silvia. "The Jans couldn't make it, I was told to represent them" she smirked in a sweet light tone.

Wang Yibo threw angry daggers at her. "What are you doing here?" He asked in a bitter tone.

Zoe smirked. "Am here to represent the Jans. Unimportant issues should be left at home. We are here to work."

"Someone get her a coat" he ordered and a man was immediately up on his feet, taking off his upper coat as he threw it around her bare shoulders.

Zoe's eyes widened in shock.

"If you are here for work, dress like one, we don't accommodate sluts" Wang Yibo told her and she gasped in shock while the room roared in laughter but Wang Yibo was not smiling. "Sit down before I throw you out from this building" he threatened and she immediately took her seat.

"Let's begin"

The meeting went on and on for two hours before everyone were dismissed for lunch, except Wang Yibo who was having a discussion with his secretary but he didn't fail to notice Zoe sitting calmly with a smirk on her face. Wang Yibo shook his head and continued what he was doing and soon, the secretary also walked out, leaving Wang Yibo and Zoe together.

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