21; A Mob Boss

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Traipsing out from the bedroom, Xiao Zhan beamed as the aroma of a palatable meal broke thought his nos​tril, making his empty stomach grumble loudly. For moment he thought Wang Yibo was back but when he came out with a hand over his tummy supportingly, reality hammered him slavishly, seeing the guys tucking in at the dinning area.

Xiao Zhan's smile dropped, replaced with a snoot as he thought of how none of them bugged to wake him up for breakfast.

He was the pregnant one, not them.

Seeing that his present was not acknowledged yet, Xiao Zhan cleared his throat loudly and successfully earned everyone's attention.

Jiyang, with a tossed bread half way to his mouth, shut his eyes and let out a rue, seeing his nightmare early in the morning.

Xiao Zhan raised an eyebrow. "What's that supposed to mean, Jiyang?" He sported a glare towards the other.

"Nothing!" Jiyang answered rather too quickly, quietly bending his head and eat his food without any sound. The late night events still fresh in his brain as he didn't get enough sleep, buying ice cream flavors after flavor.

"I don't want that...!"

"What is this, I don't want that either....!"

"Is that even ice cream...!"

"What is wrong with you, Jiyang...!"

Jiyang shook his head, trying to get that whiny vant out from his head. How did Wang Yibo put up with that attitude...?

Ziyiy chuckled, getting up from her seat, she advanced towards Xiao Zhan. "Good morning dear, we couldn't wake up you since you slept late last night" she explained and Xiao Zhan's eyes instantly enfeebled, he gave a little smile. He felt this elderly sister feeling with her. Growing up, it had always been him and his uncle till Zhucheng came along.

"It's okay Zi, just my hormones acting up" he said and she led him to an empty seat and he sat down, Bin immediately placed a bowel of soy milk and oil stick before him.

"Thank you Bin" Xiao Zhan smiled at the delicate one along them. He seemed so arcadian and diffident. Xiao Zhan watched him scratch his tape shyly, a slight redness blossoming on the tip of his ears, before he took his seat.

"So, how long have you all been working for Wang Yibo?" Xiao Zhan decided to start a conversation, taking in a spoon full into his mouth. He shut his eyes in delight as the sweet taste spread through his mouth, he nearly moaned out but he immediately restrained himself, he wouldn't want to embarrass himself in front of them.

"Bin and I, we have been working for him since he started his own empire, which was five years ago. He helped us escape from our abusive home and since then, we have dedicated our lives to him" Zi responded in a deadpanned tone.

"Three years" Bowen continued in a deep and husky tone, matching his muffled personality.

Jiyang smirked, finally lifting up his head. "Ten Years" he answered and everyone stared at him mouth completely agaped. He shrugged with his shoulders. "We have been with each other since we were fifteen"

"You must know everything about him?" Zhucheng enquired.

Jiyang bite his upper lip. "Nothing everything. We-well, I used to but he shut everyone out when he lost everything"

Xiao Zhan reeled his attention to Jiyang, his bowl completely empty. "What happened five years ago, why won't Wang Yibo mention anything about it?" He questioned seriously, pushing the bowl away from him.

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