01; Just Wanted to Burn For Once

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The first thing Xiao Zhan witnessed while walking into the club with his friend Zhuocheng, was the full blast of music, loud enough to deaf ones ear. Now, Xiao Zhan remembered why he hated clubbing.

First was the loud music, second was the crowd, drunken people grinding against each other, the smell of alcohol, vomit and sweat.

Xiao Zhan clearly remembered the last time he went to a club, he was nearly drugged. If it hadn't been for that stranger that helped him that night, only the heavens knew what would have happened to him. He would have been raped or worse, killed in a dark ally.

He also remembered who dragged him to the club and left him all alone and drugged. A shiver ran down his spine as he thought of that cruel person.

"Zhuocheng, I don't think this is a good idea" He yelled over the music to Zhuocheng as they pressed pass sweaty people to the bar. Going to a club was never a good idea for poor Xiao Zhan, he rather stay at home and take care of his sick uncle. If it hadn't been for his uncle who was persistent that he go out and have some fun, he would have never walked out of that house with Zhuocheng. The thought of leaving him all alone creeped him out but he assured him that he would be fine on his own.

"Don't be such a pussy Xiao Zhan!" Zhuocheng shouted as they finally got to the bar and he ordered them a few drinks. "Have some fun!"

Xiao Zhan rolled his eyes, only if having fun was that easy. He couldn't believe Zhuocheng and his uncle talked him into this, he was wasting his time when he could put that time into good use by working extra time to earn more money for his uncle's medicine

"I don't think I can ever have fun" His burdens were deeper than fun.

Zhuocheng rolled his eyes as he took a glass of wine from the bartender and took a long slip before looking back at Xiao Zhan, who was eyeing the place like it was some zoo filled with wild animals. He knew his friend had problems and dragging him to a bar would never solve those problems but it was Xiao Zhan's uncle's idea thar he took him out, something to distract him for a while.

Zhuocheng opened his mouth to speak but he was interrupted when he felt a hand had snaked around his arm, he turned to find a pretty lady smirking at him seductively. He winked at her, making Xiao Zhan roll his eyes as he turned his gaze from the inappropriate scene going on in front of him.

"Do you wanna dance?" The pretty lady asked as she traced her sharp fingernails against Zhuocheng clothed arm, giving him the best seductive smile she could master.

Zhuocheng slowly took her hand, his eyes never leaving hers as he planted a light kiss on the back of her palm. "Why would I say no to a pretty lady" he winked at her as he bought his light voice down, making it deep and attractive.

"Come on then" the girl said as she tried to keep her breathing steady, she obviously made the right choice when choosing her man for the night.

Being enchanted by her beauty, he was about to leave with her when he suddenly remembered something as he sharply turned his gaze to Xiao Zhan, who seemed to be in his own world as he stared at the glass of wine that the bartender had placed in front of him.

"Xiao Zhan, we have been with each other for years now and I know how you feel about your uncle. But just for once, forget everything and have some fun. Loosen up and see how the world is just for tonight" Palming him on the back encouragingly, Zhuocheng turned back to his waiting lady and they both walked towards the already filled up dance floor.

Xiao Zhan stared at the wine glass blankly, he could feel the burdens weighting on his shoulders. His uncle, who had taken him in when he had no where to go, his uncle who took care of him when he lost his parents at a early age, his only family was seriously ill and if that wasn't enough, there were so many debtd to pay.

He remembered how he dropped out of college because he could no longer afford to pay the feels, and it was that same time his uncle took ill and there was no one to take care of him.

Zhan sighed, Zhuocheng was right, he needed to forget, even if it would be for a very short period of time. With that thought in mind, Xiao Zhan emptied the wine glass into his empty system and asked the bartender for more, which was given to him. After three to four glasses, Xiao Zhan swore he was seeing double as he dropped the glass, opening and shutting his eyes as he try to see clearly but that was useless but, that didn't stop him as he took in more glasses. On the seventh glass, someone grabbed his wrist stopping him from taking more.

The nerve of that person!.

With a pout, Xiao Zhan turned to the Intruder to find himself staring at god himself because that was what the man looked like. Xiao Zhan chuckled as he let the gorgeous man take the glass from him and turned his body to the man but Xiao Zhan frowned as he saw the hard look on the man's handsome face. The greek god was not smiling and his eyes were cold and harsh, they looked dead and quiet familiar. "You are drunk" the man stated, his voice deep and chilling, sending pleasurable chills down Xiao Zhan's spine.

"Why do you care?" Xiao Zhan questioned with another chuckle, his eyes never leaving the man's red lips, that looked kissable and oddly inviting. Unknowingly, his licked his lips as well.

How would it feel kissing those lips?.

"You know..." Xiao Zhan started as he moved his body towards the stranger. " Why do you care if am drunk or not?" He moved closer while the stranger stood unmoving from his spot, his eyes holding no emotions.

His gazed directly into those familiar alluring orbs, then his stare went back to those flushing cheeks, red lips, he found himself getting enchanted. Unexpectedly, Xiao Zhan seized the man by the colar and pulled in and like a puzzle, they connected in one piece as he slammed his lips against the stranger's.

So soft, warm and delicate!

Xiao Zhan thought as he softly kissed and caressed his lips. Then gradually, Xiao Zhan's snaked his hand around the man's neck putting him closer, his hands brushed into the other's soft hair while the stranger stood stunned and unmoving, bearly making any movement with his lips.

But in one swing, the stranger came out from his frozen state as he slowly responded to the lazy kisses of the drunken person, who pulled back and chuckled lightly, the sound sounding like a soft Melody to the man's ears, he wanted to hear more of that sound.

"You are so cute!" Xiao Zhan pointed out, his hands not leaving his neck as he stared at him drunkenly.

Unable to resist the temptation any longer, the man wrapped his arms around Xiao Zhan's tiny waist , putting him even closer as their body came grinding against each other, sending both of them to a whole different level.
Then the man came closer to his ear and whispered in a low and deep voice.

"You are playing with fire"

A moan left Xiao Zhan's lips as he shut his eyes, enjoying the feeling of their body pressed together and the sound of his deep voice that suddenly became Xiao Zhan's favorite music. For once, he wanted to burn in that fire, for once he wanted this stranger to make him forget...just for once, he wanted to rebel.

"I want to burn in that fire!" Xiao Zhan whispered and that was the approval the stranger seek.

Chapter two coming up and I promise you, It keeps getting better as the journey of our favorite lovers has just gotten started.

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