24; Forgiveness

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It was a Monday afternoon, while Zhucheng, Bin and Bowen were playing cards on the dinning area, Zi was reading a magazine, Jiyang was surfacing on his phone, smiling to himself every minute, and lastly, Xiao Zhan was busy caressing his stomach while occupying a whole couch to himself.

Five days, it had been five days since he had been locked in the boss's penthouse with these species, they could leave for a few minutes but he couldn't, even Zhucheng was not green-lighted to decamp as they fretted he would be heckled without any ammunition.

Xiao Zhan snuffled out narked air from his mouth. Even his uncle's had been beeping him regularly, aways asking his whereabouts and if anything unusual had happened to him.

Xiao Zhan scoffed at that question, only if his uncle knew how unusual his life had been since he met Wang Yibo. His once peaceful life had never been the same, it was now turned upside, filled with mysteries and secrets, completely esoteric.

Xiao Zhan sighed sadly, he terribly missed the grim man, who hadn't bothered to call him, not even once to ask about his health, could it be that he had found someone else. No, Xiao Zhan shook his head. Wang Yibo would never do that. He gazed down at his stomach. "Your daddy will never do that" he assured the one in his stomach in a whisper.

"Are you okay, dear?" Zi asked, silently watching him.

Xiao Zhan smiled at her. "Am fine. Has Wang Yibo called any of you?" He asked.

Jiyang shrugged, not taking his eyes off the screen of his phone. "He normally doesn't call when he goes for a mission outside. We are used to it"

"Am not!" Xiao Zhan voiced out. "How could he do that, if he doesn't care to call me, he should at least call to ask of his child!"

Zi beamed. "Wang Yibo knows you are alright. He trusts us enough to take care of you"

Xiao Zhan pouted. "I don't feel assured"

"You should" A deep and husky voice came from the door and they all reeled their heads to find Wang Yibo standing there with a blank and stoic face with two guys standing behind him.

"Babe!" Jiyang squealed as he stood from his seat and ran towards one of the men, wrapping his arms around his neck in a tight embrace, giggling like a lovesick puppy.

As if being caught, everyone was up on the feet while Xiao Zhan remained sitting, staring directly at Wang Yibo who also didn't take his eyes off him. Staring at the other man after five days felt like he hadn't seen him for age. Xiao Zhan's heart skipped countless beats as the feeling of adrenaline rush and the feeling of longing creeped it's way to his stomach, he wanted to stare at him forever, he didn't want that moment to end but, he blinked when he remembered how he was nearly shot and how the other didn't call him for a second to ask of his health. Xiao Zhan snorted and turned his gaze away, breaking their intensed staring contest. If Wang Yibo thought he would make it easy for him, then he had another thing coming. As much as he missed him and wanted to throw his arms around him in a tight embrace, he wouldn't allow himself to be that stupid.

Wang Yibo sighed but still maintained his pokerface as he turned to the others in the room. "Job well done guys, you can leave" he ordered in a blank tone, without any void.

Zhucheng cleared his throat, wanting to announce his presence in the room just in case the boss had failed to notice him. "How about me, Mr Wang?" He pointed at himself.

Wang Yibo tilted his head. "You want to stay here?"

Zhucheng's eye brows came together in disgust. "Of course not. Your people refused to let me out. I've been locked in here for five days!" He raised his voice. He was mentally and sexually frustrated.

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