17; Defensive Xiao Zhan

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Stimulating the next morning, Xiao tried to stretch only to ascertained a arm snaked tightly around his waist, making it arduous for him to move his body. Opening his eyes slowly, the first thing that came into sight was the snoozing face of Wang Yibo, who had his arms encircled securely around the other while Xiao Zhan had his head rested against his unclothed chest, listening to his tranquiled heart beats.

Xiao zhan beamed as he recalled the past events as he gazed exuberantly at the grin man. He couldn't explain the feeling of adrenaline that rushed through his body like a wave. Shifting his body forward slowly, he pecked Wang Yibo's cheek lightly, his own cheek turning like that of crimson as he went back to his position, resting his hand against Yibo's chest, where it rightfully enjoying the smallest sensation of warmth.

"I want a future with you too" he whispered softly. As he recalled the loving words Wang Yibo showered on him. Xiao Zhan giggled lightly like an enamored puppy, entangled in a cave of undying love.

How he wished such a moment like this would never come to an end. But his wishes went unanswered when he suddenly heard noises outside their bedroom.

Confused, he slowly pulled out from Wang Yibo's arms, putting a pillow in his place when he noticed the man wouldn't let him go. Xiao zhan chuckled lowly as he successfully got out from his hold, his feet landing on the floor but that smiled vanished when the sound came louder.

Did a robber break into their home...?

Picking up the baseball bat rising against the wall at the corner, Xiao Zhan made his way out in slow and steady steps, trying his best not to alarm the robber. Reaching the living room, he found no one in sight but the clamor continued from the kitchen. Clinging the bat tightly, Xiao Zhan tip toe to the kitchen wall.

Everything happened so fast, one moment he was heading towards the kitchen, the next moment, a young man was the floor rolling in pain as Xiao Zhan didn't wasting time in striking him down as he put some distance between him and the rubber, clenching his stomach where Zhan had strucked.

"Who are you and how did you get in my house?" Xiao Zhan grilled in a authorized tone as he held the bat higher, aiming to swing if the robber recovered.

The young robber slowly stood on his feets, his body bended as he clenched his stomach, resting his back on the kitchen sink. He held his hand out, pleading for Zhan not to hit him again but Xiao Zhan obviously didn't get it as he roared.

"Answer Me!"

He ordered but the robber took painful steps forward, Xiao Zhan consciously stepped backwards. "Don't come any closer, I'll hit you in the head" he had threatened but the other obviously didn't play mind to his threats as he took another step. In one swing, the man was groaning on his knees, hands over his face that was now bleeding. Zhan beamed in satisfaction but suddenly, the bat was stolen away from him. He reeled and soughed in consolation when he saw Wang Yibo instead with a naked upper body, Xiao Zhan tried not to notice his well structured body.

"What in heavens name happened here?" Wang Yibo grilled as he couldn't believe the scene.

"Wang Yibo, call the police quick. He broke into our house. Luckily I caught him before he stole anything" Xiao Zhan informed the other.

Wang Yibo, who was trying so hard to keep a straight face couldn't take it any longer as he bursted out laughing, his laughter echoing through the whole condo.

As much as Xiao Zhan found Wang Yibo's laughter exceptional, he couldn't help the frown that took over his features as he crossed his arms over his chest. "What's do funny, Wang Yibo?"

"Yeah, what's so funny Boss" the robber also asked still in his position, face covered.

"So--sorry bu-but...!" Wang Yibo tried to explain between his laughs but he couldn't help himself as he recalled what happened over his head again and again, clinging his stomach in the process.

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