13; Hint of Jealousy

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"What would you like to eat, Xiao Zhan?" Wang Yibo asked the other man sitting beside his friend who tagged along even when the grim man showed him a sour face, he had no choice to take him alone as they now sat together in a fancy restaurant.

"Whoa Mr Wang, all these food costs more than my allowance for a month” Zhuocheng answered, his gaze glued on the menu.

Wang Yibo rolled his eyes, he was asking Xiao Zhan, not the other man. “Xiao Zhan?” He grilled the other man as he called over a male waiter.

“Are you ready to order gentle men?” The waiter asked, readying his notebook as his gaze travelled around the table till it landed on Xiao Zhan and it stayed there, his throat making a gulping sound as he took in the beauty of man that was glowing before his eyes.

Xiao Zhan shook his head before lifting up his gaze only to be met with the intensed stare of the serving man. He almost looked like he was drooling. Xiao Zhan reddened as he wasn't used to being admired like that. He sluggishly and clumsyly sealed his face with the menu.

Wang Yibo gritted his teeth as he threw ballistic daggers towards the waiter, who failed to regard how he would soon be joining his friends in the grave. Being unable to take it any longer, Wang Yibo roared.

“Change Waiters, now!” Wang Yibo demanded in a chilling tone as he scowled angrily at the man who dared to look at his Xiao Zhan with ill intentions.

“But sir…” the man tried to protest but the icey gloom he got from the austered man made him shut his mouth as he quickly bowed and walked away.

“I will have…” Zhuocheng, who was oblivious of the things happening as his full attention was pestered on the menu finally looked up to find the waiter gone, a blushing Xiao Zhan and an infuriated Wang Yibo with harshness in his eyes, showing how maddened he was but it was gone as soon as he blinked, his eyes going back to that cold and stoned look. Zhucheng shrugged inwardly. “Where did the waiter go? “

“He left” Xiao Zhan spoke, suddenly feeling all kind of shyness as he couldn’t meet the angry gaze of the grim man, whose expression had still not changed.

Was Wang Yibo being possessive?.

The thought kept invading Xiao Zhan’s head, making him blush harder as he couldn't dare to put down the menu from his face

A few seconds later, a female waiter arrived and smiled courteously at them. “Sorry for inconvenience” she apologized.

“You will be sorry if we don’t get our meals in the next three minutes” Wang Yibo threatened in a oddly collected voice, the Waiter's smile fluttered but she remained smiling as she held her note book up.

“What would you to have?"

Zhuocheng eyed the waiter from the head to her toed and winked at her charismatically. “Are you on the list?"

Xiao Zhan rolled his eyes at his friend’s flirting skills. He put down the menu and looked her name tag and beamed. “Maye, I would have Hot and sour glass noodles, another hot and sour fish soup, with saliva Chicken and lastly, a glass of Orange juice with peanut butter” Xiao Zhan finished his list of order and the waiter's mouth hit the floor, with a shocked expression from Zhuocheng and Wang Yibo.

“Those food are spicy!” Zhuocheng voiced out. “Don’t tell me you are also starting to have weird craving like pregnant people”

Xiao Zhan shrugged. “Am just in the mood for something spicy”

The waiter noted down and the other two also said their order and she walked away, Zhuocheng’s gaze tracing her ass till she was out of sight.

“That chick is hot!”

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