16; Ten Percent of The Truth

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Zhan stared hellaciously at the other man who had a stolid expression as he worked on patching Zhan's wounded arm as they were now in the  kitchen where, Zhan was sitting on the counter, a first aid box opened widely beside him.

Unanswered questions sprinted  through his head as his eyebrows narrowed in disconcertment. The little melodrama that took place earlier was still fresh in his brain but how could he forget such a chronicle play in just a few seconds. He continued to stare unblinkingly at Wang Yibo, who unremitted what he was doing. Xiao Zhan shifted his gaze away as he blinked a few times.

Should he ask, he had a right to ask right?, Would Yibo snap at him for being nosy.

Xiao Zhan couldn't stop reckoning till he finally came to a decision.


Wang Yibo interposed. "She's my aunt, turned step mom. My dad married her a week after my mom's death. But don't worry, she won't be bothering you again" he answered unperturbed.

But Xiao Zhan wasn't assured. He wanted the full story. What was she blabbering about. Wouldn't Wang Yibo give him any explanation. He deserved to know as he was some how involved.

"But..." He started again but Wang Yibo cut him off as he suddenly stopped and bend his head, staring directly at the other's magnetic orbs that had become his favorite place in the other's body.

"Don't be timorous, I will protect you and our child with my life. No detriment will ever come to you as long as am alive" Wang Yibo trothed in a eloquent and meaningful vent. He straightened his body when Xiao Zhan hesitantly nodded. Seemed like he wouldn't be getting any answers from the other man.

Wang Yibo held his hands and gave them a gentle mash as he smiled assuredly, making Xiao Zhan's jitters vanish into thin air.

"Come, I want to taste the meal you prepared"

Xiao Zhan turned crimson, he had completely forgotten about his efforts left untouched in the dinning area. He slowly nodded and Yibo pulled him towards the dinning area, where the food remained unworned, slowly losing it's tepid.


"Whoa, his family is really messed up" Zhucheng commented as he sat across Zhan in their favorite junk food joint, waiting patiently for their ordered food while being engrossed in a heavy conversation on Xiao Zhan's crazy encounter with a maniac. "I mean, can you imagine, his dad got married to his own sister in law a week after his mom dead. How fucked is that?" He continued to cursed.

Xiao Zhan rested his forehands on the table, his expression showing how melancholic he was. "I feel bad for Wang Yibo, he must have gone through a lot"

Zhucheng suddenly recalled something. "You know, I questioned Haikuan about it"

Xiao Zhan's head jerked up at thought of knowing more of Wang Yibo's family. Knowing Yibo, he would never get anything from the man. "What did you find out?"

Zhucheng hissed, his face showing sign of exasperation. "It was so damn difficult getting any calculable information from him. I had to use all my manipulating and alluring skills. I only got ten percent of the story"

Zhan chortled. " Must been abrasive for you"

Zhucheng snorted. "It was a pain in the butt"

Zhan turned earnest. " So, what's the ten percent of the story"

Zhucheng shifted his body towards Xiao Zhan." The woman you met, Mrs Wang Hua is Haikuan's mother" he whispered as if he was telling the biggest secret of the year as he slowly moved back to his position.

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