49; A Sudden Betrayal

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The more listened, the more his eyes felt like they wanted to pop out from his socket, the more his heart pound loudly beneath his chest,the more thousands of layers formed and doubled in his stomach. He gulped painfully but the lumped that had formed in his throat refused to be gulped down and finally the recording came to an end and he was immediately up on his feet, forgetting that fact that he was still in his sleeping pajamas as he dashed for the door but Zhuocheng immediately caught his wrist, preventing him from escaping.

"Let me go Zhuocheng. It's a trap, she's gonna kill him" he said helplessly as his eyes sparkled with tears wanting to stream down his face so badly.

"He knows that but judging from the map, they had everything planned out" Zhuocheng assured him but Xiao Zhan shook his head as he didn't feel assured one bit.

Finally, a single tear drop slipped out from his eyes. "This is Wang Hua we are talking about. She is a cunning witch. I have to go to him!!"

Zhuocheng licked his lips, feeling defeated as he was equally worried for the grim man.

Wang Yibo knew it was trap but he still walked into that trap. What was he trying to achieve by putting himself in danger. He was trying to protect Xiao Zhan, Zhuocheng understood that but how would Xiao Zhan be okay when he was gone.

Zhuocheng sighed bringing his other hand up to rub his throbbing temple. "You can't go out looking that and we don't even know the address to this place. How'll we find him"

At that moment, Yu Bin suddenly ran breathless as he was panting and sweating badly. Xiao Zhan's heart nearly jumped out from his chest as he played thousand of scene of what he would say over his head.

Was Wang Yibo okay....?

What had happened...?

"W-what is it Bin?" His voice wavered.

"We need to get out from here. They are coming for you!" Bin revealed in one breathe and the other two gasped out loud. "He betrayed us. We need to leave now!!" he grabbed Xiao Zhan's and dragged him out from the mansion, to his car and drove off in full speed.

"We need to get to Wang Yibo, his life is in danger" Xiao Zhan said over to Bin whose attention was clement to the road as he took a sudden turned, his hands spinning on the wheels a like pro in the middle of the night, in the middle of the street that only had a few cars passing.

"I know" Yu Bin answered.

"We need to get to him" Xiao Zhan said again.

"I know!" Bin replied replied again without void.

"Who betrayed you guys?" Zhuocheng decided to ask as the question refused to leave his head as much he wanted to chase it away.



"Look who finally decided to join the party" she smirked as she stood from her seat, her red tight dress going up to her thighs as his licked her red lips seductively and cunningly.

He hissed in disgusted at the sight laid before him. How shameful to call her a mother. Now that he looked at her closely, she looked nothing like Haikuan. He actually felt bad for the other man who called her his mother.

"I came as you called" he replied as he stopped, putting a large amount of space between them.

She smirked. "Seemed like you are smarter than I thought. What did you do to my men?"

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