45; Gotcha

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Without detainment, Xiao Zhan whisked out from the car at the front of his uncle's gate that was wide opened. Bursting in, he went straight to the main doors and made his way in, the scene that saluted him had him jammed on his tracks as he abruptly stopped, his mouth slightly agaped as he stared.

"U-Uncle..." The words left his lips coerced as he was unable to form words at the moment. Slowly and pokily, his legs pulled him towards, step by step he took till he took his tintless shoes were soaked in blood. Blood of the man he once called father, mother, uncle, aunt, sister, brother, blood of the man he cared for, blood of the man he once called home. Xiao Zhan dropped on his knees beside the defuncted body with half of his leg completely destroyed due to the bullet, of the man who had scarified so much without asking for anything in return, fulfilling the wishes of others while forgetting about himself in the process.

"Uncle?' he managed to pass again as he sat down, placing the head of Xiao Ying on his laps, caressing and brushing through his short black hair. Xiao Zhan stared down at his face, he blinked, he blinked again but nothing came out, it was like the deep hole in his chest grew deeper while the tears refused to come out. Wasn't he cruel? Not crying for the man who have him everything without asking for anything or Was there nothing left in him.

When did pain felt this good? but why wasn't he sniveling, wasn't he being ignoble and catty?

"Please forgive me Uncle, for not being able to shed tears for you. Please blame me for being selfish" he said without void, without emotions, impassible.

Wang Yibo rushed in right after Xiao Zhan and immediately ordered his men to search the whole building, very corner to very closet, he also did his own search, scanning one corner of the living room to the other, his ears active and he didn't fail to notice the quietness, the silence,tranquillity. Only the footsteps of his men could be heard but was he supposed to hear anything else. How odd.

He adverted his towards the middle where the lifeless body of Xiao Ying laid on the thighs of Xiao Zhan, he stepped forward, squatting down as he reached them. He gazed at Xiao Zhan's face only to be met with a grim look and unblinking features.

Wang Yibo sighed and turned his gaze back to the dead man, his eyes glowered in sadness, recalling his last encounter with the man.

(Flash Back)

"Whatever happens, I want you to protect Xiao Zhan" Xiao Ying had said to Wang Yibo who was sitting opposite on him as their gazes were set on the piece of chest game before them. "Facing Wang Hua isn't going to be an easy one. Just my luck she hadn't found out about Xiao Zhan yet" he chuckled in amusement as he moved a prey on the chest. "Give it a few more days, she would coming running over, wanting my neck"

"You know you won't make it out alive but you are still here. Why? Don't you fear for your life?" Wang Yibo had asked in a calm tone.

Xiao Ying chuckled again. "Fear? Fear is not something that could bring me down"

"She would come here any moment, I could make arrangements for you to leave the country to a place she would never find you" Wang Yibo passed but Xiao Ying shook his head.

"That's very considerate of you Shi's Son but am Done running. What's the point anyway, as long as she is still alive, I can never live peacefully. She has done enough damage, it's about time we put her in her place, Wang Yibo. It's time she knows the feeling of pain" he had said.

Wang Yibo's hand had immediately stopped moving on the board as he gazed up. "Have you thought of Xiao Zhan, how he would feel if anything happens to you because of him?"

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