36; Talk With Uncle

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Reaching the front gates of his uncle's house, the car came to stop. Xiao Zhan sighed for the nth time since he left Wang Yibo's mansion.

"Are you not going to tell me what that person is planning?" Xiao Zhan couldn't help but ask Haoxuan who happened to be his driver.

"The boss knows what he is going, whatever he does now is to protect you and the future" Haoxuan answered in a steely tone, Xiao Zhan was taken back by how hard and emotionless his voiced sounded which gave him more hint that whatever Wang Yibo was happening was not good.

"I am not a child that needs protecting!" Xiao Zhan spat and was about to leave when Haoxuan's voice stopped him.

"Don't leave the house, our men are watching your every move" said Haoxuan, staring at the other through the glass mirror.

Xiao Zhan scoffed. "Does your boss know you are treating me like a criminal, I know you blame me for what happened to Jiy...."

Haoxuan cut him off by holding up his hand, his eyes taking another color. "Don't mention his name, I might not be able to stand it" he let out in a shaky breathe.

Xiao Zhan restrained himself as he wanted to say something else. With no other words being said, Xiao Zhan stepped out from the car, his head hanged low in shame and sorrow. As soon as he stepped into the gate, the car drove off in speed. A sigh left his mouth, heading towards the main doors, he rang the door bell when he reached and the door immediately swinged opened to reveal his uncle who instantly pulled in in a hug. Xiao Zhan equally embraced him. It felt good to be in the arms he used to call home, though they would forever be his home.

"Come, it's high time we talk about all this, this shit has been on for two long" Xiao Ying said pulling Xiao Zhan into the house and immediately shut the door.

"What do you want us to talk about Uncle?" Xiao Zhan grilled as he and his uncle sat themselves on the couches. "And where are your maids?" He asked noticing how the house was quiet for a home with servants.

"Aah, I sent them home, don't want to drag them into his shit hole when they finally come for me" the man started confusing Xiao Zhan with his words.

"They...?" He raised an eyebrow. "Who is coming for you Uncle?"

Xiao Ying sighed. "You know when you used to ask about your parents and I said they were dead?" He asked and the other person nodded and Xiao Ying stood up, putting his hands behind him as he sported a thoughtful and sorrowful look.

"Actually...they were still alive" he revealed and Xiao Zhan gasped loudly with widened eyes.

"You mean my parents are still alive?" He questioned with a fastly beating heart, afraid of the things he would hear from his uncle.

"Nah, what are you saying, of course your parents are Dead but they didn't die in a car crash as I told you, actually they were alive for a very long time even after you were born, they didn't want them to know of your existence" he said but Xiao Zhan was totally mixed up.

"What are you saying Uncle, my parents didn't die in a car crash but they still died didn't they...? Why are you telling me this now and if they were alive long after I was born, why didn't they for once reveal their selfs to me and who are these people you keep talking about?"

"Your grandparents used to led the biggest Mafia syndicate in the whole world, owning the most largest companies but they died in an ambush and passed down the business to your Parents but they were young, innocent and naive, still fresh to the games of the underworld and by the time they realized, they were already trapped. At that time your mother was pregnant with you, I had to leave the country with her till you were born, trust me your father didn't get to see you maybe in photo I used to send to them. Your mom and I came back to China and she handed you over to me under a oath I must keep your identity a secret from the world, she promised to be back when everything was over but that was the last I saw of her. Ten years later, a knock came on my door, it was Wang  Haikuan covered in blood, some documents in his hand and a letter that was sent to me by your parents saying their final goodbyes. As a lawyer I knew what those documents were all about, I knew the damage they would bring. I had no choice but to go into hiding and raised you secretly till a few months ago when you met Wang Yibo and they came to know you existed, the last hire to the Xiao's wealth, it was all they were after, the money and to wipe out the entire existence of the Xiao's family"

" ""

With each steps he took in the middle of the night, a face mask over his nose and lips, and a black hoodie jacket hovering over his head, the words of his uncle didn't failed to travel back in to his head.

They...they...Xiao Zhan scoffed as he thought of them. They were so powerful and mighty to the point no one could stop them...they, the ones that made his life a living hell, they...the ones responsible for everyone's misfortune, everyone's problems.

"They were Wang Bi and Wang Hua, the master mind behind every game played in the underworld" Xiao Zhan huffed thinking of his uncle's words before he rushed out from the house, ignoring the fact that his life was in danger.

What was the point of living anyway, especially when it came to the point were everything he had ever thought in his life was a lie, a complete bullshit fed to him. He chuckled out loud at how funny his once peaceful and perfect life was. It was now down the hill, turned upside down.

Life was so unpredicted, unexpected and completely twisted in a way that could not be solved.

Taking out his new phone from his pocket, he dialed a number and pressed it to his ears, after a few rings, the person picked the call.

"Hello, who is this?" The person spoke from the other side.

Xiao Zhan licked his dry lips. "Can you send me the address of Dr Haikuan?" He requested without bothering to introduce himself.

"Xiao Zhan?" The person called stunned from the other side.

"Listen Zhucheng, I need answers and at this point I don't really care where I get them from. Just text me the address of Haikuan, I'll explain everything to you when we meet"

"Does Wang Yibo knows about this?" Zhucheng asked from the other side.

Xiao Zhan scoffed. "He has to know since he has men following my every step nowadays since I happened to be the stupid one" he added bitterly and Zhucheng sighed.

"I will send you the address, am sure his shift at the hospital would be over by now"

"Thank you" Without waiting for a response, he hanged up the call and a few seconds later, a noficafion turned his phone. Stinking it into his pocket, Xiao Zhan took the nearest bus.

Standing at the front of a tall building apartment, Xiao Zhan didn't think twice as he scrolled in. For a rich doctor, Haikuan sure did knew how to keep a low profile, living in a shity neighborhood. The elevators took him to the highest part of the building as he immediately climbed down and walked up to the only door at that floor. He immediately noticed how the lights were still on from the inside. Taking a deep breath, he rang the doorbell and he heard movement from the inside. He waited patiently and soon, the doors uncloged to reveal Haikuan completely shirtless with his lower body covered. If it had been other times, Xiao Zhan would have looked away with shy sensation but that Xiao Zhan was long gone and buried.

"Who are you?" Haikuan didn't find the intruder at his door steps appeasing.

Xiao Zhan took off his mask. "It's me"

"Xiao Zhan?" Haikuan's orbs widened in shock.


Madam Hua has really done a lot to all those around her, turns out Wang Yibo's father is also involved.

Let's find out what happened to him, why he never came out in this story after playing such a huge part.

Kindly ignore the errors.

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