27; His Ex

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"Boyfriend...?" Xiao Zhan felt a shank skeweringg through his heart as that word sink deeply into his heart, but he managed to maintain his angry face, he would never let them see his dissembler.

She scoffed again, crossing her hands over her chest. "And who are you?"

That question strike him hard. Who was he in Wang Yibo's life? What right did he have in his life? He was only carrying his child. What right did he have to be jealous if the other person had a girlfriend. "Oh, I didn't realize. I apologise" he said, sadness growing deep in his eyes as they got teary, thankfully, his voice didn't waver as he had expected. "I will give you space to talk, I'll be in the car"

He veered and raced out from the store, sluring over the calls of Wang Yibo, who stood up to run after him but the lady held back his hand. He reeled to her and gave her a blank and stoic look. He immediately torn her hand off his wrist like it burned him.

"Don't you dare touch me again!" He roared lowly at her, sending a arctic quiver down her spine.

"But we never broke up" she told him in a shaky tone, her hands falling on her side, trouncing.

"I'm pretty sure you saw my note"

She eyed him in anger. "Do you seriously think I will accept such a breakup. How could you break up with someone in a note, you have no idea what I went through because of your stupid note!"

"I will let this pass Zoe, the next time you try this. I won't let you off the honk so easily" he informed her with caution, his voice bleak, husky and stolid. Not what she had expected.

He rushed to the counter, grabbed the first ice cream he saw, paid and stormed out, chasing after his heart broken lover.

Opening the driver side of the car, Wang Yibo got in to find Xiao Zhan facing his side window, a sulky and sad expression clouding his face.

Wang Yibo sighed. "She isn't my girlfriend" he started.

"You don't have to explain, it isn't like we are in a relationship" Xiao Zhan passed, letting out a shaky breath from his mouths.

Wang Yibo frowned. "What in heavens name are you talking about. I know I never asked you to be my boyfriend but you should know where you stand in my life"

Xiao Zhan turned to face him, Wang Yibo immediately noticed how red his eyes were. "I should...?" He questioned and Wang Yibo stared at him with helplessness. "Tell me where do I stand in your life because I have no idea. Am I just someone carrying your child or someone with a future with you. Please, tell me because I can't tell what I stand as in your life!"

Wang Yibo gazed at him helplessly. "Please, don't do this Xiao Zhan. You know my feelings for you. You know you own the big space in my heart. I am only waiting for the right time to make everything right"

"Who is she?" Xiao Zhan questioned, a tear drop slipping out from his left eye.

"We used to date back in college but I broke up with her as soon as I graduated. She means nothing" Wang Yibo explained in a vulnerable manner.

Xiao Zhan blinked a few time, trying to process what he just said but he shook his head when he finally came in terms. "I don't believe you. You would have pushed her off your labs if that was the case!"

Wang Yibo sighed defenlessly. "I was shocked. I didn't even realize who she was till she called my name. I am not used to this, please understand me" he pleaded in a gentle, fragile tone.

"Whatever!" Xiao Zhan uttered before turning his attention back to the window.

Nothing else was said as Wang Yibo slowly placed the ice cream on Xiao Zhan's thighs. "You are all that matters to me" he whispered, leaning forward as he pressed a kiss on his cubby cheeks before starting the car.


The next day, while Wang Yibo was at the dinning area going through some files as he couldn't leave for the office, not wanting to leave Xiao Zhan alone, who had been deflecting him for the whole day since yesterday, after that incident at the ice cream shop. Wang Yibo had apologised but Xiao Zhan had refused to pay much attention to him.

Wang Yibo sighed glancing at the couch where Xiao Zhan was occupying. He shook his head sorrowfully before turning his attention back to his work. Suddenly, Wang Yibo halted on his movements as he stood up and advanced towards Xiao Zhan, who immediately glanced up at him.

"Are you going to keep ignoring me?" Wang Yibo asked, standing before Xiao Zhan.

"Mn" was the reply he got from the other.

Slowly, he got down to Xiao Zhan's level. He took Xiao Zhan's hand into his, he slowly bought down his lips and pressed it tenderly on the back of his palm. He lift up his head to find the other person staring at him. He smiled, caressing his hand tenderly.

Xiao Zhan hiccuped, watching the enchanting smile on Wang Yibo's face.

"I love you" Wang Yibo revealed and Xiao Zhan's widened as if they wanted to pop out from their sockets. "You are all that I need, I want to spend the rest of my life with you, just you and our future child, our future kids" he continued in a gentle, light and meaningful tone.

Xiao Zhan hiccuped.

"Forgive me mn, it won't happen again"

Xiao Zhan tilted his head, gazing at the usual grim man who had suddenly turned soft. "Is it just me or you talk way too much nowadays. Completely different from when I met you"

Wang Yibo smiled, planting a gentle kiss on Xiao Zhan's hand. "Only you bring out this side of me that I've been trying to bury. I can't help it" He looked up at the other person, giving him his best puppy dog eyes. Xiao Zhan casted his gaze away, feeling how his heart was suddenly being melted. Shyly, he lowered his gaze and tried to hide the smile that was threatening to embarrass him but it showed anyway, Wang Yibo's smile grew wider as he pokily leaned in for a kiss but he stopped mid way when they heard the sound of the door bell.

"Are you expecting anyone?" Wang Yibo raised an eyebrow at the other and Xiao Zhan shook his head. He wasn't expecting anyone and from the looks of things, Wang Yibo wasn't expecting anyone as well. Then who was at the door?

For a moment, panic rised in Xiao Zhan's heart as he recalled all that had been happening to him lately. He turned his gaze to Wang Yibo, who had pulled out a gun. Xiao Zhan gasped loudly, completely caught off guard, even the look on his face would murder any intruder before he would even fire the gun.

"Stay put" Wang Yibo ordered as he advanced towards the door, he didn't waste any second when he swing the door opened and Xiao Zhan's face hardened at the sight standing before his door step.

"Hi!" The lady named Zoe waved cheerfully and Wang Yibo immediately pointed the gun at her and she lift up her hands up in the air, she gasped being caught off guard with the kind of welcome she received.

"What are you doing here?" He grilled in a low and husky tone, completely grim and different in Xiao Zhan's ears.

Zoe gulped, her hands still hanging in the air. "I w-anted us to talk" she replied, trying to be calm but her tone still wavered. "C-can y-you put the g-gun down first?"

"This floor is private, how did you get in here?"

"Does that even matter" she chuckled nervously.

Wang Yibo tilted his head, staring at her in an odd manner, making her heart skip fearful beats. "No, it doesn't because am going to kill you" the clicking sound of the trigger could be heard. Both Xiao Zhan and Zoe's eyes widened in shock. Xiao Zhan was immediately on his feet, wrapping his arms around the other's waist and Wang Yibo's gaze immediately softened but still hardened, Zoe didn't fail to notice that slight change in his behavior.

"Miss, I think you should leave. As you can see, Wang Yibo has no intention of speaking with you. Not today, not ever" Xiao Zhan glared at her from behind Wang Yibo.

Zoe eyes darkened as she smirked towards Xiao Zhan's direction. "We'll see about that"


Spoiler; I should warn you, the next few chapters would be very sensitive. I had an hard time writing this as I really hate emotional stuffs.

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