05; Not again

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"You met Wang Yibo!” Zhuocheng vo​cif​er​at​ed, standing up from where he was sitting on the kitchen counter in their little apartment, they had been sharing since they met, as soon as Xiao Zhan told him his little encounter with the bastard.

Xiao Zhan frowned “Not so loud Zhuocheng” sometimes he wondered why he told the idiot anything.

Zhuocheng unanticipatedly moved closer the other. “Tell me, how does he look?”

“Why would I want to tell you such information, if you had gone in with me, you would have seen the asshole for yourself”

Zhuocheng pouted as he playfully poked Xiao Zhan’s arm. “I thought you understand Zhan-Zhan”

“Let me be Zhuocheng, I need to think of how to return that bastard’s money” Xiao rested his cheeks on the back of his palm while his elbow was placed on the kitchen counter.

“He told you not to return it”

“And You think I would do that. The ass crown teased me for being poor and unable to pay my Uncle’s bills. He called me a whore working for money!” the poor man’s eyes harden as he thought back to everything that man had said to him, Wang Yibo or whatever he called himself.

“At least your uncle was saved” Zhuocheng shrugged as he turned his attention to his food, cooking over the oven. “Tell me about your little date”

Xiao Zhan immediatelly blushed. “Its not a date Zhuocheng, he wants to thank me over lunch”

“Sounds like a date to me”

Xiao Zhan rolled his eyes. “So you call the two of us eating out a date”

Zhuocheng turned sharply. “Of Course not, we have been together for years now but you just met this guy yesterday and he invited you to have lunch with him, now that’s called a date”

“ Does not sound like a date to me” Xiao Zhan stood up as he picked up the little food container before him. “Am heading over to the hospital. Uncle met be bored all by himself” he head over to the door.

“Enjoy your little date tomorrow!” Zhuocheng yelled behind him before he walked out of the house with a light blush on his face.


The next day, Xiao Zhan found himself waiting for Chen Alan, who was late for their little lunch date. Xiao Zhan sighed as he peeked  down at his watch. Not only did he have an habit of forgetting stuffs, he also had an hobby of keeping people waiting for him. If Xiao Zhan had known, he would have come a bit later and not wait for the man.

“Would you like to order sir?" A waiter came to him.

Xiao Zhan shook his head. “Not yet, am waiting for someone but you could get me a glass of water. Thank you. “ he said and the waiter walked away. “Xiao Zhan, Xiao Zhan, are you gonna starve yourself for some man who isn’t gonna show up” he questioned himself as he snorted.

After a few minutes of waiting, Chen Alan finally showed up and Xiao Zhan sighed in relief, he thought he was going to die from hunger today. He might not be rich but he never kept his stomach empty.

“I sincerely apologise for keeping you waiting. I wasn’t allowed to leave earlier” Chen Alan apologized as he took his seat.

Xiao Zhan gave a little smile. “Its okay” well, it wasn’t okay. He nearly went into comma for passing his lunch time. He was a foody person and passing his lunch time was a big deal for him.

The waiter came back and they ordered and soon they food was brought to them and they started eating. The lunch was silent as none had anything to say, only the sound of utensils could be heard. Suddenly, Xiao Zhan felt something coming up in his stomach.

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