29; Savior

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"Please don't hurt me!" He pleaded, supporting his stomach with his hand, but the more he stood there, the nipping throe in his rib only consolidated, a single tear drop whisked from his right eye. He couldn't die there, he still had a lot of things to do.

"Come on, Sugar" they tittered in travesty, only a few steps away from Xiao Zhan.

"Please, don't" he continued to besiege but they paid no mind as they were now before him. Xiao Zhan shut his eyes, waiting for the worst to happen. His breathe picken and his heart raced in terror for himself and his baby. His head felt whirling and heavy, he suddenly felt hefty.

"Well guys" an unfamiliar voice bellow from behind them and they all turned to find a man standing there. "Stay away from him!"

And that was the last thing Xiao Zhan heard before he gave in to the darkness.


Sluggishly, his eyes flittered and the first thing that came into view was an unaccustomed ceiling. Gently, he lift his upper body up, he gazed down to find himself lying on a bed, the bedsheets covering over his legs. He shut his eyes, bringing a hand up to rub his temper and that was when the former episode came rushing to his head in full force and he gasped in shock, gazing down at his stomach that seemed fine and the twinges he felt earlier was gone.

What happened to him, who bought him here...? he poundered while scanning the room, it was a master bedroom and everything was kept orderly and neat, nothing was out of place.

Was he kidnapped...?

Xiao Zhan let out another gasp as he bought the sheets to his chest. He shook his head, he couldn't have been abducted. Those men were trying to ravished him and that stranger suddenly materialized.

Did that fellow save him and bought him to his home...but why? Just when he was creaking his brain, the door opened and a young man came in, carrying a tray of food. Xiao Zhan shifted backwards, his back hitting the bedstance.

"You are awake!" The man started warmly, a bright smile on his features with two deep dimples on his cheeks. He came towards Xiao Zhan and placed the tray on a little table, before sitting on the bed, beside his legs. "You don't have to be scare. I won't hurt you, if I wanted I would have done that while you were asleep"

Xiao Zhan gave a little smile. "Th-thank you for saving me"

"You are welcome. Am surprised, how did you even end up in such a place with your condition. Your gestation is weak, if I hadn't showed up earlier, you would have lost the child and your life would have been at stake" the man said and Xiao Zhan bite his lips.

"It's complicated" he replied lowly and the man sighed.

"I understand. Luckily I am a doctor. Here, I bought you some food. You eat and I will take you home" the man articulated.

Home..? Xiao Zhan scoffed inwardly at that word. Did he even have a home now, he thought Wang Yibo was his home but he wasn't so sure anymore as images of what he saw in that room wouldn't leave his head even for a second. It hurts, it hurt more than he had expected. The aching feeling in his heart only amplified and the lump in his throat gelated.

"Ca-can I-I stay here, I don't want to go home yet" he told the other nervously, keeping his gaze downcast.

"Sure. You can stay as long as you want. You seem to be going through something. Am Taio" he introduced himself.

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