19; Ambush

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"That's your baby!" The female doctor enunciated, using a ultrasound on Xiao Zhan's three months pregnant stomach.

Xiao Zhan's eyes drenched at the contiguity of his little one, the life he and Wang Yibo breeded. Xiao Zhan gripped Zhucheng's hand tightly.

"It's Cute" Zhucheng remarked, gazing zealously at the machine from where he was standing beside the bed, holding unto Xiao Zhan's hand.

"Your pregnancy is thriving greasy as long as you stay cautious and strain" The doctor informed. "I was expecting to see your husband today as he normally comes for your check ups, he didn't come?" She pointed out.

Xiao Zhan tardily sinked his gaze dolorously before answering. "He couldn't make it"

"Oh, that's too bad but he could be present to the know the sex of the baby. Am sure he wouldn't miss that" The doctor passed as she put away the scanner and Xiao Zhan sat up right, straightened his shirt.

"Yeah, he won't miss that" Xiao Zhan nodded, coinciding with the medic.

Only the heavens knew how much he yened for Wang Yibo come with him, it was their second Ultrasound scan and he missed it. Xiao Zhan slowly shook his head, suddenly feeling dizzy and lightheaded. He still recalled the way Wang Yibo came into their home, collared what he needed and rushed out.


Xiao Zhan was bearing on one of the sofas, caressing and fondling his stomach that was slowly unveiling a belly button. Xiao Zhan gently stroked the belly button while beaming brightly than a scorching summer sun. He was going to be a papa in a couple of months, How wonderful was that?.

Picking up the magazine beside him, Xiao Zhan got engrossed but was interrupted when he door of the condo opened to reveal Wang Yibo in black pants and white long sleeves that were fold up to his elbows.

He looked dishy.

Xiao Zhan inwardly giggled, sealing his face with the magazine, he wouldn't want to be caught staring. But Wang Yibo traipsed pass him, going straight to their bedroom, completely unwared of Xiao Zhan present.

Disoriented, Xiao Zhan sat up right, looking towards the way Wang Yibo went.

What was his problem?, he couldn't help but pounder. Normally, Xiao Zhan would always get a kiss from the other for the past few weeks they had been together, it was so erratic and lonesomely not receiving from any form of affection from Wang Yibo. He was getting too used to it, being too spoiled and pampered by the other.

Shrugging, Xiao Zhan laid-back  down and resumed his reading.  A few minutes later, Wang Yibo came back with a change of clothing, wearing all black from head to toe, looking nocuous and luscious with his new look. Xiao Zhan noticed. But without acknowledging the other, Wang Yibo went straight to the door.

Xiao Zhan couldn't take it anymore as he finally voiced out. "Where are you going?" He grilled as he stood on his feet, crossing his hands over his chest as he arched an eyebrow.

Wang Yibo, who finally realized there was another soul in his home, turned to find Xiao Zhan gazing at him oddly. Wang Yibo mentally slapped himself. He had been so caught up, thinking over millions of things at the same time, his mind had wandered far. He immediately advanced towards his lover. "Xiao Zhan, I..."

"You were going to leave without informing me?" Xiao Zhan said with an attitude, his moon swings were acting up again and Wang Yibo was at the receiving end of it.

Wang Yibo smiled a bit as he placed a kiss on Xiao Zhan's cheek. "I'll be long for a few days"

Xiao Zhan eyes expanded. "But..." He tried to protest.

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