11; Sharing a Bed

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He rubbed his palms together trying to soothe the uneasiness he was feeling.

Who said it would be easy...?

There he was, sitting on one of the couches in Wang Yibo's condo while the owner went to the bedroom to make a phone call. As soon as he was discharged, Wang Yibo rushed him out of the hospital, towards his condo where he would be living with the man.

Seemed like Wang Yibo didn't like to live in his mansion, maybe he didn't like living alone but that house looked like a family one though he never saw any photos or planting while working there. But now that he thought of it, one of the rooms remained locked, he remembered how he was instructed never to go where near it. Luckily, he wasn't that curious to see what was inside but he was curious now that he knew the mansion belonged to Wang Yibo.

What was he hiding...?

Seconds later, Wang Yibo came back from the bedroom, Xiao Zhan immediatelly stood up like a child who was caught performing a bad act.

"Are you uncomfortable?" Wang Yibo asked the other man.

He was more than dismayed, he would be living with a  complete stranger. "Am fine. I can manage" he retorted with a small smile.

"Are you hungry?" Wang Yibo continued to query. He wanted the other to feel relaxed but he could clearly scent the discomfort raging from him. Poor Xiao Zhan was even gulping when speaking to him. Wang Yibo had no idea he was that intimidating.

Xiao Zhan nodded sinlessly. "Yes"

Wang Yibo pulled out his handset from his front pocket. "Let's order"

"How about a home cooked meal?" Xiao Zhan wanted to eat a cook meal but the blank look Wang Yibo gave him was unencouraging. "Sorry" he uttered as he slowly retreated. This man really creeped him out for reasons unknown.

Wang Yibo sighed. Xiao Zhan was obviously still horrified by him. What could he do?. "There's nothing to cook. Let's order tonight. We can go shopping for groceries tomorrow"

Wang Yibo advanced forward, slowly cupping the other's cheek with his right hand, softly caressing it with his thumb while gazing directly into those alluring orbs. While Xiao Zhan leaned into that soft touch that made his stomach twist in a funny way.


Soon enough, their ordered meal arrived and they ate in silent. Xiao Zhan, who was not used to much silence could only eat his food without looking up at the other man.

When they were done, Xiao Zhan volunteered to wash the dishes but Wang Yibo declined. Rather, he told him to go take a bath.


Xiao Zhan stared at his reflection in the mirror. After taking a long shower, he put on the clothes that were given to him by Wang Yibo.

Xiao Zhan had to admit, Wang Yibo was more than nice and caring, he hadn't done anything for Xiao Zhan to doubt him. If Wang Yibo continued his little act, Xiao Zhan wouldn't mind falling for him. He chuckled out loud at the thought of being the grim man's partner. Would it be wrong if he some how wished for that. Maybe he could just follow Zhuocheng's advise.

Go with the wind and see where it lands him, good or bad he would accept.

With a shrug, he slowly walked out of the bathroom to the living room to find Wang Yibo standing in front of a wide opened wallrobe, his upper body completely nude. With shock and embarrassment, Xiao Zhan briskly turned, his blood rushing to his head as image of a shirtless Wang Yibo wouldn't leave his head.

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