48; Chilling Feeling

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Suddenly he jerked awake sitting up straight on the bed. He turned his head to the side to find it empty and cold. He shift closer to the wall. He bought his knees up and hugged them closely to his chest.


Why was he suddenly cold...? He questioned internally as a chilling sensation ran down his spine, making him shudder uncontrollable.

He jumped off the bed and ran towards the wide opened windows and slammed them shut but it got colder. "Wang Yibo!" He called out but was met with silence, a chilling silence that felt unsettling in his stomach.

He opened the bathroom door, scanning the inside for the other person but he found it empty but his gaze landed on Wang Yibo's cell phone. He went and picked it up and walked out from the bathroom, then out from the bedroom, down stairs to the living room to find it empty and oddly quiet. Suddenly, the feeling of horror creeped it's way to his stomach. With every second passed, the knot in his stomach tightened and heavy, a lumped formed in his throat. He painfully gulped feeling the increasing speed of his heart beats.

He shuddered, he instantly wrapped his hands around his shoulders. He didn't shiver because of the cold, it was something else, something unsettling and nerve-wracking, something entirely different.

He went over to the kitchen and poured himself a glass of water and immediately gulped it down his throat in one go. He threw the empty bottle into the trash and sat down on a stool with his hands joined together before him on the kitchen counter.

He shut his eyes, taking slow and deep breathes, trying to calm his suddenly raging heart.

Where was Wang Yibo....?

Why would he go out at such a time in the night...?

Why didn't he wake him up before leaving...?

Where was Jiyang, Haoxuan, Yuchen, where was everyone, why was the house so quiet. Could it be that he was the only soul in this Mansion...?

Maybe they were in their rooms.

Nodding, Xiao Zhan was up on his feet as he went from room to room in the huge mansion to find them all empty. He shuddered as he got to the last room, Jiyang and Haoxuan's bedroom. He knocked and stood still but heard no movements, he knocked again but still got no response. Then, he held the door handle and twisted it as he pushed it opened and was met with darkness.

"Hello!" He voiced out but got nothing. He traced the light switch with his hand on the wall and switched on the lights, immediately brightening the once dark room but there was no one in sight as the bed seemed untouched, he turned to leave but he saw something on the little table beside the bed. He advanced forward as it's view got clearer and clearer and he realized it was a map with X signs on some places done with a red marker.

Slowly he picked it up but everything seemed messed up before his eyes. Instantly, he took the map and ran to his room and picked up his phone and dialled a number and pressed the phone to his eyes, but it rang and stopped and he tried again till the person answered the call.

"What!" An annoyed and sleepy voice came from the other side.

"Zhuocheng" he choked out the name as his heart beats increased.

"What's wrong, are you alright?" Zhuocheng seemed alarmed from the other side as he was now sober.

"Can you come over?" Xiao Zhan requested.

"What?!" He exploded. "Do you freaking realized what time it is right now. It's 11pm. Can't whatever you have to say wait till morning. Go talk to Wang Yibo" Zhuocheng said dismissively.

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