26; Her Boyfriend

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Ireful, she smashed the magazine in her hand stiffly on the table, her face was desensitized revealing how angry she was at the moment.

The young man sitting lown at the opposite of her, chuckled in amusement. "This is too fun" he commented, taking a sip from his wine.

"You think this is funny Lan Guangyao. I am his mother, why does he have to go against me. I thought I had him under my control" She frowned, trying to recall where she had gone wrong in rising her son the way she wanted.

"Haikuan is not a kid anymore, he knows what he wants. He is thirty for fuck sake, give him some break. He deserves it" Guangyao hissed, rolling his eyes. "You are attacking too constantly, give everyone some break"

"What do you mean?"

"Since you failed to capture Xiao Zhan, I think you should go from the inside. Destroy them both from the inside and when they are in their weakest state, you can strike and I assure you, you definitely wouldn't fail like the last time" he smirked shrewdly.

Madam Hua smirked, taking her seat, paying more attentively. "Tell me more Lan Guangyao"

"Here is what you should do....!"


Unconsciously, Xiao Zhan stretched his hand out on the bed, aiming to touch the other person but his hand was met with coldness. Almost immediately, his eyes opened against his will to find the other side of the bed vacate and glacial. Slowly he sat up straight on the bed, his eyes landed on Sliver curled up beside his feet. Bending forward, he carefully picked up the little animal, bringing it closer to his chest and the kitten purred delightfully.

"Good morning sliver, at least you are here to give me a good morning kiss, unlike some people" He pouted, placing a kiss on the kitten's head. Throwing the covers from his body, he slowly got out from bed and left the room. Getting to the living room, he found it empty but he could hear movement from the kitchen.

Putting Sliver down on the floor, he tiptoed towards the kitchen to find the grim man standing beside the stove, a blue apron hanged around his neck and tied around his waist. Xiao Zhan chuckled inwardly when he saw that Wang Yibo wasn't aware of his presence. Grinning, he took baby steps forward, catching Wang Yibo off guard as he immediately hugged him from behind, resting his head against his bold back.

Wang Yibo's movement halt for a moment but he regained himself and continued what he was doing. A little smile captured his features, feeling the warm hands of the other person. "Good morning, Did you miss me?" He teased and he heard a sulky sound from behind him.

"Of course I did, I was cold" Xiao Zhan whined with no intention of unwrapping his arms from the other's waist.

"Sorry dear, I was making your breakfast" Wang Yibo apologised and Xiao Zhan slowly untied his arms and took a few steps back, giving Wang Yibo the space to place two plate of food on the kitchen counter. Xiao Zhan clapped his hands excitedly, placing his butt down on a stool beside the counter.

"Do this often, I would never be mad at you" Xiao Zhan said and Wang Yibo laughed. "Don't forget to feed Sliver as well" he instructed.

Wang Yibo frowned. "That damn cat" he cursed under his breathe, taking a bowl of milk out from the kitchen.

Xiao Zhan chuckled, biting into his food from his plate. "Mnn" he moaned out and Wang Yibo came into time to hear that. His eyes darkened as inappropriate thoughts clouded his brain, his mind flashing back to the night where he had the other pressed beneath him while he pound on him, filling him with his cum.

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