10; Short Tempered

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"What are you doing here Haikuan?" Wang Yibo's cold voice asked, sending a chilling feeling down the spines of those present in the room.

Haikuan smriked. "Is that the way to greet your gege, little Bobo"

Xiao Zhan nearly laughed out loud at the nickname.

"Don't call me that!" Wang Yibo clenched his teeth, he took slow breaths to calm his rising temper. He couldn't allow Xiao Zhan to see him that state. "And you didn't answer my question" his frosty eyes met the warmer ones of his brother.

"Your husband is admitted in the hospital I work in, I can't ignore that. I have to greet my brother-in-law. Now, am I not allowed little Bobo" Haikuan continued his tease, wanting to see what he would do in the presence of his beloved husband.

"Don't Push Me Haikuan"

Suddenly the room felt suffocating for Xiao Zhan as he stared at the two brothers, even Zhuocheng was speechless. Wang Yibo looked like he would jump on Haikuan any second. Unexpected fear creeps it's way to Xiao Zhan's chest as a deadly killing aura took over the room. Wang Yibo looked like he would burst as his shoulders rised up and down from his harsh breathings, his grip tightened on the handle of the lunch box but Haikuan stood calmly, unpuzzled.

"Wang Yibo" Xiao Zhan couldn't stop himself from calling out the other's name, his voice lashed with sudden trep​i​da​tion.

Wang Yibo's orbs snapped to Xiao Zhan as he heard the call of his name. Almost instantly, he threw the lunch box to Zhuocheng, who was able to catch it before it's content slip all over. Wang Yibo rushed to Xiao Zhan's side, panic rising in his chest as he remembered the doctor words.

Any negative emotion would lead to a painful miscarriage.

"Does anywhere hurt, tell me" Wang questioned in a aggrieved tone as he began inspecting the other's body, wanting to see if anywhere was hurting. He held Xiao Zhan's palm and began rubbing it, wanting to soothe the pain and give him comfort but Xiao was busy blushing at Wang Yibo's sudden display of affection in public. "Are you feeling better now?" Wang Yibo asked and Xiao Zhan could see the worry visible in those eyes. Wang Yibo seemed to be showing more emotions to him than others. He felt a warm feeling in his heart, knowing Wang Yibo was starting to care for him.

Haikuan who watched the scene with amusement and a smile finally spoke. "You should control your temper in front of him little Bobo. I don't want to lose my niece or nephew"

"I suggest you leave now Wang Haikuan" Wang Yibo said harshly to his brother, his eyes going back to it's normal state, cold and hard while his expression went poker, making it difficult for anyone to read his thoughts.

"Of course little Bobo. It was nice meeting you Zhan. Excuse me" with that, Haikuan turned and walked out. Zhuocheng immediately ran after him.

"Are you okay?" Xiao Zhan asked the other still rubbing his palm. " What happened to you hand?"

Wang Yibo gave a sadistic smirk. "I fisted a wall. Come, we are leaving" Wang Yibo blazed.

"But the Doctor said..."

Wang Yibo intruded. " Fuck the doctor. I can't have you any where near Haikuan. For a moment I forgot he works here" his voice hardened.

Xiao Zhan slowly retreated. Angering Wang Yibo was a dead wish for him.

"Hey" Wang Yibo called softly as he bought his finger to Xiao Zhan's chin, making the other look up at him. Xiao Zhan gazed into those orbs that had suddenly turned soft when looking at him. Seemed like even a monster could have a soft spot.

"You don't have to be scared of me, I will never hurt you I promise and I never break my promises" The cold person planted a kiss on Xiao Zhan's forehead for the second that day, Xiao Zhan was counting. "I will have the papers arranged" he handed over the lunch box to Xiao Zhan. "Here, have something to eat. I will be right back" 

Wang Yibo walked out from the room with a determined look on his face.

Xiao Zhan slowly touched the place Wang Yibo kissed seconds ago. He smiled thinking of how he enjoyed the little peck and the feeling of strange sensation. He could clearly feel his heart pounding, wanting to escape his cage as he clenched the lunch box close to his chest, a wide dreamy smile on his face.


Without knocking, Wang Yibo bursted in through the office of his brother to find the other in a make out session with Zhuocheng. Wang Yibo's orbs darkened at the sight. Haikuan deserved no happiness.

"What the fuck man?" Zhuocheng immediately broke the kiss as he pushed Haikuan who was standing between his legs while his butt was on the table.

"Get out!" Wang Yibo commanded Zhuocheng in a archly tone. Seemed like his temper was at hundred again. With a sigh, Zhuocheng left the office without another word.

Haikuan smirked seeing his little brother so furious. Seemed like his temper never for once lessen, it only got worse. "What brings you here little brother?"

Wang Yibo advanced forward, a heavy tension building inside the room but none of the brothers seem to notice. "What the fuck was that all about earlier?"

Haikuan shrugged. " Haven't you seen two people kiss before?" He relied in a clueless tone.

"Cut the bullshit!. You know what am talking about"

"I just wanted to greet the new member of our family" Haikuan answered.

" Look here Haikuan, whatever it is you are planning, you better stop it because it might end badly for you" Wang Yibo warned in a odd tone.

Haikuan shrugged, completely undisturbed. "Am not planning anything" he smiled cunning.

"Stay away from Xiao Zhan or I swear to whatever listening, I will kill you Haikuan" there, the threat had been made, the line drawn between the two brothers had gotten thicker and heavier.

Stating his calm, Wang Yibo matched out the same way he came in, failing to notice the defeated sigh that left his gege's mouth.

"What to do with you Wang Yibo" Haikuan thought out loud as he popped himself on his chair, his head buried in thoughts. How was he going to get back his little didi that had fallen to the dark side five years ago. But, everything wasn't completely his fault, everything that happened in the past only took place because of the she demon he called a mother.


Sorry for the short chapter but chapter 10 has to end there. Tell me what you think, I will really appreciate that. Thanks for your time, don't forget to vote.

Happy reading...!

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