02; Only Family

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Xiao Zhan groaned as the morning sun pierced his eyes, making it difficult to sleep peacefully. Turning on his side, he put the covers over his bear shoulders as a wandering smile took over his features. He couldn't remember the last time he slept this peacefully with no nightmares.

Deciding that he wasn't gonna sleep any longer, Xiao Zhan turned again, facing the ceiling as he slowly fluttered his eyes opened, only to come face to face with unfamiliarity. He stared blankly at the white ceiling as he tried to process what just happened. But he only succeed in inviting an headache as a painful moan left this mouth. He slowly sat up right, bringing his hand up to massage his pounding temple. Suddenly, his orbs went wide as flashback of the last night events came rushing back to his head. With a panic gasp, he held the bedsheets higher to his chest, his back hitting the bedstand as another painful groan came out. He could clearly feel his back and butt hole burning like they were being cooked over a fire.

He bought his hand over his mouth as he tried to suppress a sob. How stupid was he giving himself to a complete stranger, how could he engage in a one night stand?. He felt so cheap and dirty and what made it worse, the stranger just left after having so many rounds with him last night, if Xiao Zhan hadn't passed out, the stranger whom he had no idea what his damn name was would never have stopped. He was trusting into him like a heartless beast. But what surprised Xiao Zhan more was that, he enjoyed every minute of their session.

Xiao Zhan, Xiao Zhan, how could you be so stupid!!.

He cursed as he took a deep breaths to calm his poor self down. Then he had a knock on the door.

"Who is it?" He asked loudly as he quickly got out of bed, ignoring his aching body.

"Room service!" A female voice replied.

So, they were in an hotel. How horrible!. He felt like a prostitute.

Picking up his clothes from the floor, he didn't bother going to the bathroom or taking a shower as he hurriedly put them on.

May heavy thunder strike the next person that would drag him to a fucking bar!!.

The knock came again but at the same time, Xiao Zhan held it opened as he immediately rushed out, ignoring the greetings of the girl.

Reaching the elevator, he climbed in but at the same time, his phone rang. Taking it out from his pocket, he saw that it was Zhuocheng. He pressed the answer button and bought it up to his ear, only to come encounter with the shouting voice of his friend.

"Stop yelling Zhuocheng" he said into the phone, rubbing his temple as he tried to calm his pounding head.

The pleasure was over, now it was time for the pain!.

Having an hangover in the morning was one of the reasons why he hated drinking, now he was facing the consequences of his actions.

"Wherever you are, rush to the hospital" Zhuocheng sounded worriedly. Xiao Zhan felt his heart skipping painful beats.

"Hos- hospital?" He stammered.

"Your uncle was admitted!"


Reaching the general hospital, Xiao Zhan rushed in as he ran towards the receptionist and he was led to the waiting room where he found Zhuocheng. "Where is Uncle?. What happened to him?" Xiao Zhan pinned him with questions as soon as he saw him. His voice lashing with panic, worry, and fear.

Zhuocheng placed his hand on Xiao Zhan's shoulders encouragingly. "I- I don't know what happened. When I couldn't find you last night, I thought you must have went back home, so this morning, I went over to your place to find your uncle passed out on the floor" Zhuocheng explained, gaining a gasp from Xiao Zhan, who bought his hands over his face, suppressing a scream of frustration.

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