Extra Chapter; A Happy Ending

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Unconsciously he smiled as a warm sensation raced through him. Still with his eyes closed, he held the soft pillow tightly but instead of softeness, he was met with a hard yet soft and warm surface.

Since when did his pillow became this hard yet so warm and comfortable. Unconsciously, his hands moved on their own, tracing every where just to make sure it was actually his pillow.

"Keep touching me and you'll regret it" a deep husky voice rang in his ears and his eyes jerk opened and instantly met the orbs of his husband of almost a year now.

Xiao Zhan consciously smiled as he moved closer to that warmth that was raging from the other person. "Good morning" he uttered in a low soft tone as he slowly shut his eyes but the other person didn't buy it as he suddenly hovered over Xiao Zhan which made him open his. "What" he asked lazily with fluttering eyes.

"I want you!" Wang Yibo bursted out gazing down at Xiao Zhan with so much desire and lust in his eyes as he hovered over him with the bedsheets sealing their bare lower half's.

Xiao Zhan's eyes widened as he immediately went sober. "W-what, we did it the whole night!"

Wang Yibo grabbed Xiao Zhan's hand from under the covers and bought it to cup his face, trailing his fingers on his jawline then to his lips and he softly kissed the tips and bite them lightly. Xiao Zhan nearly jerked at the sensation that raced through him as he also felt it down there.

"You awoken me... again" Wang Yibo whispered lightly yet seductively as he lovingly bite the other person's fingers one at a time.

Xiao Zhan gazed up with widened and fearful eyes at his beloved who had continued to grow his hair as they were now falling on his shoulders, making him look extremely sexy with those locks.

He blinked a couple of times, how come the other person wasn't tired. They practically had sex through out the night as Wang Yibo would grow bigger again as soon as he came. Xiao Zhan could barely feel his butt but this person still wanted it?

No, Xiao Zhan shook his head as he pushed Wang Yibo who willing fell on the other side of the bed and giggled, then Xiao Zhan knew he was being teased. He sat up and playfully hit the other person on the bare chest.

"You are such a tease!" Xiao Zhan whined while continuing his playfully hits, filling the room with Wang Yibo's chuckles.

"I'm sorry, you were so cute!" Wang Yibo said but he suddenly stopped laughing as he grabbed Xiao Zhan's wrist with a serious face making the other gasp as he was pulled down closer to Wang Yibo's face.

"I love you" Wang Yibo expressed staring seriously into Xiao Zhan's orbs with love and passion, with admiration and desire that most knew not the feeling of.

Xiao Zhan grinned widely before leaning down his head and captured Wang Yibo's lips in a loving kiss but pulled away and stared into his eyes. "I love you too"

Wang Yibo lips curved into a smile as he slowly bought a hand around Xiao Zhan's neck and pulled him down and sealed their lips in a meaningful kiss as their lips danced together in a perfect rhythm. Xiao Zhan moaned as Wang Yibo shoved his tongue into his mouth, tasting every corner of his mouth, wanting to savor every taste. Xiao Zhan beamed between kisses but their moments was ruined when banging came from their door, they immediately broke apart and their eyes widened.

"Papa, Daddy!!" The twin's voice came from the other side as the banging continued.

Xiao Zhan immediately jumped out from the bed revealing a little baby thumb in his stomach that was slowly reveling it self. He instantly picked up his clothes and put them one, throwing Wang Yibo's clothes over to him, completely forgetting the fact that he was still sore and three months pregnant.

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