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"Juliana, come in!" says Damon. I step into the house and see a girl sitting on the couch. The blonde girl is walking towards me and sticks out her hand. "I'm Caroline, nice to meet you!" he says. I look at her, "I'm Juliana!" I say. She stares at me. "Juliana.... Salvatore?" she says. I nod my head and walk towards the girl on the couch. She looks scared and arrogant at once. "And you are?" I ask. "Elena." she says. "Well okay" I say and I walk towards Stefan. I hug him, "It's been so long guys" I say. "Yes!" he says. I walk over to Damon. I want to hug him but he holds me. "How exactly did you get here?" he says. "Magic, brother. I've had more than 20 years to figure it all out. So give me a hug!" I say. He smiles, he lifts me up and hugs me tight. "I've missed my favorite sibling!" he says. Stefan rolls his eyes and we all laugh. Elena walks up to Damon and kisses him. "I'm gonna go, I don't want to be killed right now" she says and she looks at me. "Elena! Don't be rude!" shouts Caroline. Elena walks out of the door and goes home.

"Well, I definitely do not like that woman. Are you dating her Damon?" I ask. "I am, yes." he says. "And why is it, that I totally thought it was my best friend? You have some explaining to do" I say. "Right, Elena is her doppelganger... There are two more besides them" says Damon. "That's not confusing..." I say. "And how about you Caroline? Are you dating Stefan?" I ask. She looks at me and smiles. "I am! Do you have a boyfriend?" she says. I smile, "I don't. Also, I haven't been around for 20 years so I couldn't possibly have a boyfriend after all." I answer. "I'm so sorry, I didn't know!" she says. I smile.

"There is something different about you Julie." says Stefan. He walks towards me and looks me in the eyes. "Did you...." he says. I interrupt him. "I did, right before dad threw me in the prison world" I say. Damon and Stefan look at me, and then at each other. I smile and get a glass of Bourbon. Suddenly, the door opens. A girl with long dark, curly hair walks in. "No way" she says. "Well well well, if it isn't my favorite vampire" I say. She runs towards me and hugs me.
"Oh my God Julie! You have no idea how much I've missed you!" she says. "I missed you too Kat!" I say. "You two are friends?" asks Caroline. "Uh yes we are" says Katherine.

After a while of chatting with each other, we get around the table. Caroline cooked us a wonderful meal and we all enjoy it. "Damon, Stefan, I have a little question for you two" I say. They look at me. "I kind of have an apartment in New Orleans, and that's kind of far away so could I maybe stay here for a bit?" I ask. "Of course, as long as you want Julie" says Damon. They both smile at me. "Thank you guys, so where do you keep the bloodbags? Or are we going for a hunt later" I say. Damon laughs. "No you're not" says Stefan. I look at him. "Oh come on, can't u just have a little bit of fun?" I say smiling. "Just don't do it, everyone knows everyone here" he says. "Fine. I'll sneak out then!" I say. "What?" says Stefan. I laugh, "nothing!" I say.

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