The Humanity Switch

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(There is a TRIGGER Warning in this part)

I sit in the couch and call Damon. I have to talk to somebody. "Hey, what's up" he says. "Damon, I need to talk to you. I'm sorry to call you while you're away with Stefan and your girls but I really need to talk to you" I say worried. "It's okay Julie, what's wrong?" he says.
"Well, you know that I'm hanging out with Kai a lot, right?" I ask. He sights, "I do, so?". I laugh, "oh stop it! Yesterday, he brought me home, and then he kissed me in front of the door. I asked him to come in and we had some drinks, then we slept together" I say. I can hear Damon spitting out his drink. "You...slept with Kai?" he says. I can hear Caroline say "Really?!" over there. I laugh about it. "I did, don't be a jerk about it Damon! So, this morning we baked some pancakes together and I kind of felt something that I do not want to feel... I don't want my emotions back on Damon..." I say. "I get it, Julie. But why don't you try it? I mean, you've had a long time without it, why not try putting it back on?" he says. "No you don't get it, if I do that, I will be hurt. Very very hurt Damon! I can't.... I just can't feel that pain" I say. "I understand. But look at it this way; if you don't let emotions in, you won't get hurt, but you will also not feel love. And love is the best thing to feel Julie, it really is. I had my humanity off for a long time, but I don't regret turning it back on. Because what I can feel now, is incredible" he says. "I get that, but you have no idea how much it's going to hurt me if I do this." I answer. "Listen, we also want the old you back. The Julie that didn't kill people for fun, the Julie that was loving and caring to others" he says. "I'm just gonna get to bed now. Goodnight Damon" I say. "Juliana wait-" says Damon, but I hang up.
I walk upstairs and get in a hot bath. I think about what I should do. I'm worried, and when I'm worried, I get hungry. After a while, I get out of the bath and get dressed. I put on my shoes and walk outside.


I walk towards the road, and wait for a car. When a car finally comes towards me, I jump in front of it. The driver hits the brakes and gets out if the car. He walks towards me and asks me if I'm okay. I stand up, and I bite him. I drink, and I keep drinking until there is no heart beat left in him. I drank so much, and so hard, that I ripped his head off, but I don't care. I throw his body and his head on the ground and walk back towards the town square.

I walk into the bar and compel myself a free glass of Bourbon. I drink it, and look around. I see someone sitting alone. It's Kai. I walk towards him and sit down on the chair in front of him. "What are you doing here this late?" I ask. "Hey, I'm just here to think and drink, you?" he asks. "Me too. What are you thinking about?" I ask him. He looks at me. "Well, something happened today and I wanted to talk to you about it. An old friend came to visit me today. It was kind of nice but it scared the hell out of me. I mean, I've done some horrible things and I don't know if she knows it all" he says. "I get it. Maybe you can just tell her? Her reaction will reveal her real or fake friendship right?" I say. He smiles, "Right. Thank you Julie" he says. I smile at him. We talk a little bit, and we have a couple of drinks. After a while we both go home.
I come home and get straight to bed, I'm so tired! Tomorrow is a new day to think, now I just have to get some rest.

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