Come With Me

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Caroline, Bonnie and I come back home. It's late and we all get to bed.
I take a shower and get in bed. I fall asleep very fast, I was so tired of all the things they told me today. In the middel of the night, I wake up. I hear footsteps coming from behind me. I get out of bed and vamp towards it. I hold the person against the wall. It's a man with blonde curly hair, looking me in the eyes. "Who are you" I say. He keeps looking at me. "What?" he says. "I said who are you" I say, and I push him harder against the wall. He starts laughing. "What's so funny?" I ask, and he stops laughing. "You're not serious, right love?" he says. "I am! Who are you and what are you doing here?" I say. "But... You know me. We know each other. What happened?" he says. I look at him. "I probably met you in the past few months, is that right?" I ask. "Yes, about five or six months ago I think, why?" he says. I let him go and take a step back. "Damon let a witch erase my memories, because I was in danger or something like that" I say. He looks at me, he doesn't look happy. He walks to my door, and towards Damon's room. "Wait!" I say, and I walk with him. He storms into Damon's room and wakes him up. "WHAT DID YOU DO" he says, angry. "What? Why are you here?!" says Damon. "I'm here to pick her up Damon. She's coming with me" he says and he walks towards me. "What is going on" I say. "No she's not! I made her forget all about your crazy ass family, so don't make her remember" says Damon. The man gets really mad at Damon and shows his Hybrid face. "You're a Hybrid?" I ask. "That's right, and your beloved brother is about to get bitten by one" he says, and he gets closer to Damon. "Don't do that, please" I say. He stopt and turns to me. "Don't you get what he did to you? My brother is at home, miserable. He's doing nothing all day long. He's so not okay, and it's because your brother tore you apart!" says the man. "I get that but I just don't remember!" I say, and I tear up. "I don't remember you, or your brother at all! Don't you get that? I don't know what to do with all of this because I don't know how to feel!" I say. They both look at me and stay silent. "So or, you are going to tell me what is going on, or you are going to leave me alone" I say. "Let me tell you everything, and please come with me." says the man. "Listen, I really want to and I'm mad at Damon! But I don't remember anything and I don't even know your name" I say. "I'm sorry, love. My name is Klaus. You can think about it if you'd like? I could come back in a week?" he says. "Thank you, Klaus. Yes please, I'll think about it." I answer. He smiles and walks up to me to give me a hug. When he hugs me, I hug him back, and I kind of feel something. He backs off. "I'm sorry, I just missed you" he says. "No, it's okay! Are we like, close? I think I might have felt something" I say. He looks at me. "Yes! Yes we are?" he says, and he looks happy.
"I'll come back for you, just think about it okay?" he says. I nod my head and look at him. We smile at each other and he walks away. I'll think about it.

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