Wake Up

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A hour goes by, and still no breathing from Elijah. I begin to worry. "Why isn't he waking up..." I say. "I don't know Julie, but he'll be okay." says Bonnie. I tear up. "Yeah, he will" I say. I keep running my hands trough his hair. "Wake up Elijah..." I say worried. "So, of I may ask, what's going on between you two? What happened in New Orleans?" asks Caroline. I softly smile. "Nothing. I just don't like it when people die" I answer. "You're lying! Please tell my I have to know! You were so mad at him, so what happened?" she says. "Fine. I came to New Orleans and I met a guy names Kol. He asked me to help him do a spell to bring his brother back so I agreed to help him, in return for a place to stay. Freya, his sister, and I did the spell and it worked. He was the brother" I say, and I look at Elijah. "That's a cute ass way to meet someone!" says Caroline. We all laugh and she asks me to go on with the story. "So when we brought him back, he wasn't feeling so good. He had these moments, where he got pulled back into the prison world where he was in. I recognized it, so I tried to help him. It worked and after a while, we went to Bourbon street together to get some breakfast. He told me some things about himself and then I told home somethings about me, I told him that my humanity switch was off. He judged me, he thought I was evil, so he took off. I was trying to stop him but he kept judging and walking. I got back to the house and packed my bags. I walked to my car and he tried to stop me but I was too disappointed, so I took off. And that's where it ended." I say. Bonnie and Caroline are quiet. "But, there is romance, right?" says Caroline. "No, actually. I just helped him out that's all." I say. "I don't believe you!" says Caroline. "Too bad!" I say, and we all laugh. "No but seriously, there is something going on here Julie. The way he looked at you, the way you look at him. And also, he's pretty!" she says. I smile. "He is, isn't he?" I say. We all smile. "So he's your guy!" says Caroline. "My guy? What do you mean?" I ask. "He's your guy. Everyone has a guy! Someone who you'd never expect to love, but you will" she says. I look at Elijah. He might be my guy.
After a while, he starts to move his fingers. "Hey, Elijah? Wake up" I say. He starts to move his hand, and the grey vains in his face start to vanish. I tear up again, he's waking up! He slowly opens his eyes. "Hey..." I say softly, while running my hand over his face. He softly smiles at me, and slowly gets up. Caroline and Bonnie stare at him. "Don't stare! It's rude" I say. They look away and smile. Elijah also smiles. "How are you feeling?" I ask. "I'm alright, thank you" he says. I smile at him, with tears in my eyes. "I'm so sorry that he stabbed you Elijah..." I say. "No need to apologize darling" he says, and he smiles at me. I start blushing a little bit and smile back at him.
Suddenly, the front door opens. It's Klaus. He walks in, because he's also been invited once. He holds a dagger and walks over to Elijah. "Klaus, what are you doing" I ask. "Killing my brother, what else? Lovely to see you too, Juliana!" he says. "Yes, hi, but don't kill him" I say. "Why not, he's dangerous without his humanity" he says. "No, please, let me help you get him back" I say. "I don't know if you can make that happen, love. He's far gone." he says. "No, but I can-" I say, but he interrupts me. "Juliana, he's a danger." he says. He comes closer to Elijah and holds the dagger in his hand. "Stop it Klaus!" I say, but he pushes me away. I land on the other couch, but I throw him away with my magic, just in time. I walk towards him. "I said stop it Klaus! Well get him back, don't be a fool right now" I say. He looks at me, and walks away. Before he walks out the door, he looks back. "I trust you" he says, and he walks out the door.

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