My Trigger

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"Elijah wait!" I say. I leave some cash in the table and run towards him. "Please, let me explain..." I say. He turns to me. "Don't bother" he says, and he keeps walking. I start to tear up, what have I done!
"No, please, Elijah listen to me!" I say, but he keeps walking. I vamp towards him and stand in front of him. "Stop walking!" I say. "Fine" he says, he looks disappointed. "I turned it off again, it's true. I didn't think that I'd ever want to love and care again!" I say. "I get it. When it's all off, you don't care about others. It was a good act, now leave me alone please" he says, and he starts walking. "No!" I say, but he keeps walking and walking.
I sit down on a bench and try to keep my emotions together. Elijah is a huge trigger for me. He makes me want to turn it all on. He clearly doesn't feel the same about me, so I'll just give up.
After a while, I walk home. I step inside, and I see Klaus having a drink. I just ignore him, and walk upstairs. I get my stuff into my bags, and walk down again. I put on my coat, and walk to the door.
"Hey, where are you going?" asks Klaus. Rebekah also comes towards me. "I'm going back to Mystic Falls. I helped you get your brother back, so the job is done. I hope you're happy, have a nice life" I say, and I walk out the door.
I put my bags in my car, but I hear someone coming towards me. "Juliana, wait" he says. It's Elijah. "No, don't bother, right?" I say, and I open my door. "I wasn't respectful to you, I'm sorry" he says. "No, you had an idea about me when I told you that my humanity is off, right? You thought that I'd be as horrible as all the story's you hear about vampires without humanity, right?" I say. Klaus and Rebekah are standing at the door. "Juliana I-" he says, but I interrupt him. "No, don't bother. I turned my humanity off because my boyfriend cheated on me. It hurt me so bad, that I couldn't handle it anymore. When I came here, to New Orleans, Kol asked me to help him get his brother back from the dead. I helped him, not having any clue about this brother he was talking about. It turns out that that brother is going trough the same pain as I did, and it helped me. It helped me get sane. I wanted to help you Elijah I really did. And I did help you! One little conversation about me, and you just turn on me like that? This is exactly why I turned it off, I'm sick of people hurting me Elijah! I'm done with that! I can't do that anymore so please, let me get in my car and drive away from you!" I say, crying. He tears up. "I didn't mean to..." he says. "But you did. I opend up to you, I showed a little humanity for you, and still you manage to hurt me. I cared Elijah. But now YOU figure it out on your own. I get you, they don't. I know what you need when you have another moment, they don't. I helped you where they can't. You were my trigger, and you ruined it." I say. I dry my tears and get in my car. Elijah is standing next to the car, while tears fall out of his eyes. I start my car and drive away. I look back, and I see Elijah falling apart on the ground. I keep driving. I can't do this anymore.

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