Meeting All

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I wake up the next morning and get out of bed. I take a long warm shower and dress up. I put on a dark blue jeans with a black wrap-top. I put on my black heels and walk downstairs.
As I walk into the living room, I see a lot of people waiting for me.
"What's going on?" I ask. "Julie, goodmorning. I'd like you to meet our friends" says Damon. "Why" I say. I don't even care! "Because of you'll be here for a long time, you are going to have to know people around here. And they have to know that Juliana Salvatore is not a threat" he says. I look at all of them, and then back to Damon. "Who says that I'm not?" I say. I walk towards all the people. Caroline and Elena are here too. "Why is she here" I say, while looking at Elena. "Because we're dating, you know that" says Damon. I roll my eyes and look at Caroline. "Hey Caroline, nice to see you" I say, and she smiles. I see a blonde boy sitting in the couch. "You look boring, what's your name" I ask. "Matt" he says, and he looks at me. "Okay" I say.
"I'm Tyler, nice to meet you" says a boy with dark hair. "I don't care who you are" I say, and I walk towards a girl with dark hair. She looks amazing and powerful.
"And who might you be?" I ask. "I'm Bonnie, it's nice to meet you Juliana" she says, and she smiles at me. "Ah, you're a witch! It's nice to meet you too Bonnie." I say. She looks at me. "How did you know?" she says. "I sensed it, witches can sense other witches you know" I say, and I smile at her. She smiles back at me and nods her head.
A tall, dark haired boy walks up to me and grabs my hand. He gives a kiss on it and looks me in the eyes. "I'm Lorenzo" he says. "How gentle of you, I'm Juliana" I say. He let's go of my hand and smiles at me. "So a Tribird hm? What's that like" he says. Bonnie hits him on his arm. "Sorry, I shouldn't be asking you" he says, and he looks at Bonnie. Bonnie looks back at him and gives him a kiss. "A couple! My favorite one yet. I like your accent, Lorenzo." I say. He smiles at me.
"So, that was it?" I say. Damon nods his head. "Great, I'll be outside, I'm expecting a call." I say, and I walk outside. As I step out of the door, my phone rings. I answer it, "Hello?" I say.
"Hey, it's me, Kai, from last night? I don't know if you remember me but I just wanted to give you a call" he says. I smile. "Hey Kai, k do remember you" I say. I can hear him smile! "So, do you want to grab some coffee today?" he asks. "I'd love to!" I say. "Can I meet you at the Mystic grill at 3pm?" he asks. "I'll be there" I say, and I hang up. It'll be nice to talk to someone who has been trough the same thing as me. Besides, he's cute!

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