8th Floor, Number 9

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I get to the place he lives. I get into the building. "Hi, I'm looking for Elijah Mikaelson?" I say. "8th floor, number 9" she says. "Thank you" I say, and I get to the elevator. As I get to the 8th floor, I start to get really nervous. I tear rolls down my face. I walk towards door number 9, and take a deep breath. After a while of just watching the door, I knock. The door opens, and I see Elijah standing in front of me. I look him in the eye, and he does the same. It's like he sees who I am for a second, but then he looks away and back at me. "Can I help you?" he asks. "Um... I think so, yes" I say, while another tear rolls down my face. "Is everything allright miss?" he asks. I dry my tears and look away. "Yeah, I'm fine, thank you. Can I talk to you, for a second?" I ask. He looks at me. "Do I know you?" he asks. "Right, I'm sorry. I'm Juliana, you're Elijah right?" I say. "Yes, I can talk if you want?" he says. I nod my head and he lets me in. I have a bloodbag in my bag, in case I got hungry. "Please, sit down" he says, and I sit down on a chair. "Thank you for having me, Elijah" I say. "That's okay. Aren't you the girl that broke Hayley's hand today?" he asks. "Yeah, that was me, sorry. I didn't mean to hurt your girlfriend-" I say, but he interrupts me. "She's not my girlfriend. She acts like it, but I don't like her. I told her a lot of times but she keeps calling and stepping by" he says. "Oh, sorry." I say, and I smile. He looks at me. "Did you hurt yourself?" he asks. "What? No, why?" I ask. "No reason, sorry." he says. I smile, but then it hits me. I get the bloodbag out of my bag and hand it over. "What is this?" he asks. "A bloodbag. You're a vampire, right?" I ask. "I guess I am. I've never had a bloodbag before" he says. "Okay, it's good! It's not warm but it's good!" I say. He smiles at me and tries it. "Thank you. But how do I get these?" he asks. "Don't worry about it. I'll bring you some every week" I say, and I smile at him. "That's kind of you, thank you. But how do you know all this? Are you a vampire?" he asks. It hurts me that he doesn't remember me at all. "I'm a tribrid actually. A vampire, a werewolf and a witch all in one" I say. He looks at me. "Wow, that's a lot" he says. I smile. "Yeah, it is!" I say, and we both laugh.
"How do you know Hayley, if I may ask?" he says. "Oh, I know her from the past. She liked my boyfriend and showed it to me a lot" I say. "Oh, I'm sorry, I don't think she's very nice either. She's kind of stalking me" he says. "Oh, that's bad!" I say, and we laugh about it. "So, do you have a girlfriend?" I ask. "I don't, do you have a lover?" he asks. I smile. "I don't!" I say, and he smiles back at me. Someone knocks on the door. "Excuse me" he says and he opens the door. "Hey!" I hear coming from the door, and I already know who it is. I walk to Elijah and wrap my arm around his. "Hey Hayley! Is something wrong?" I ask, with a smile on my face. She looks at me. "I hope he'll never remember you!" she says and she walks away. I stopped smiling. Elijah looks at me. "Remember what?" he asks. I start crying. "Are you okay?" he asks, and he closes the door. I let go of his arm. "Yeah, sorry, I'm fine" I say, and I dry my tears, but they keep coming. "Are you sure?" he asks. I can't stop crying. "Yes, I'm fine, Thank you" I say. He looks at me. "I don't think you are..." he says. I look at him, and I can't believe that he doesn't remember me. "I am. It's okay. You wouldn't get it. I should go home..." I say, while still crying. "I don't think you should drive if you're not completely focused, can I take you home?" he says. "That's so kind of you, thank you Elijah. But I'll be fine I can drive" I say, while still crying. It doesn't stop, and I'm having kind of a panic attack. "No, let me take you" he says. "I don't want you to worry, it's okay, I'm okay" I say. I start to hyperventilate. "No, please. What's wrong?" he asks. "I can't... I..." I say, while waving my hands towards my face. I can barely speak. "Do you want to sit down?" he asks. "I..." I say, that's all that comes out. He holds me and gets me to the couch. He sits next to me and keeps holding me. I can barely breathe now and I almost pass out. Elijah hands me a glass of water. I take it, but I'm shaking so much that almost all of the water comes out. "I'm.... I'm sorry..." I say, while still panicking and hyperventilating. "It's okay, just, calm down. You'll be fine" he says. I start to see everything black, and I pass out.

After a while, I wake up again. Elijah didn't let go of me. I immediately start crying again. All of the last few months, years, has been too much. It all comes out now. "Hey, are you okay?" he asks. I nod my head, but I'm still crying. "I found your phone in your pocket and I found an emergency contact as soon as I could. The calls didn't work so the receptionist called the number and gave them my address." he says. I look at him. "Who... Who did you...call?" I ask. "Someone named Klaus or something. I don't know, it was the first one I saw. I'm sorry I didn't mean to check your phone like that" he says. "No, it's okay... Thank you..." I say. I feel so ashamed about what happened. And now Klaus is coming over, which is not great.

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