Bourbon Street

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Elijah and I walk across Bourbon street. I notice that there is a lot of art here. "I love all the artworks, do you paint?" I ask. "No, but Niklaus does. I only read books" he answers. "Well, literature is a kind of art right?" I say. He smiles and nods his head. We keep walking and walking. We don't say much, but that's okay. I feel happy, and calm. Elijah brings me peace, although he's having a hard time. He makes my emotions come up.

We keep walking until we see a cute little restaurant. "Can we get some breakfast here?" I ask. "Ofcourse" he says, and he takes me to the restaurant. We walk onto the terrace, and spot a table for two. We sit down, and a lady comes to us and asks us what we want to have. We both order some fruits and a iced tea. It's a beautiful day today, and because of Elijah I'm enjoying it. "So, do you want to tell me something about yourself? I don't really know you and I would like to get to know you better" I say while smiling. "Ofcourse" he says, and he smiles back at me.
He tells me that he's a vampire, an original vampire to be exact. He tells me about how he turned, and that his mother is a witch. His father, named Mikael, is a vampire hunting vampire. Mikael wants to kill them all, especially Klaus. That goes way back. He tells me that he likes to read books and listening to music. I like how he is, I really do!
"That's amazing, thank you. Also, is there any woman in the picture? Or..." I ask. I hope that his answer is no ofcourse. He laughs about it. "There is not." he says while smiling. I smile back at him. "Do you want to tell me about what happened? How you died and where you went?" I ask. He swallows, and looks away. "It's okay if you don't want to" I say. He looks back at me. "There is a witch, called Dahlia, and there has been some issues between her and my family. About a four years ago, she came to our house. She was very mad at us for killing a friend of her, Niklaus did that. She came to us and threatened to kill Freya, Rebekah and Kol. Niklaus and I stood up to her, we fought her. But she was too strong. She threw Niklaus into a wall and I walked up to her from behind, but before I knew it, she casted a spell on me. It was like she ripped my heart out with her magic, and I died. After a moment, I woke up in this world. There were no people at all. I was all by myself...", he tells me. He's getting emotional and it's hard for him to talk about it. "It's okay, you don't have to finish" I say, and I grab his hand on the table. "I'm alright, thank you. I was in that world for four years, and I was not doing too well. There was almost no blood left in the hospitals and the feeling of being alone all the time really started to mess with me. After all those years, you got me out. You and Freya got me out of there. Now that I'm back here, I have moments of falling back. Moments that feel like I'm getting killed and being alone in that world all over again. In those moments, I can only see Dahlia killing me and me waking up there, all alone. I feel it, I feel everything" he says. His eyes start tearing up, and he looks away. I keep holding his hand. "It's okay to show your emotions Elijah, don't be ashamed. Thank you for telling me, but remember that your not alone anymore. You have a family that loves you! You're being protected by them at all costs." I say. He nods his head and looks at me. I softly smile at him, and he smiles back. "You've been in a prison world, did you know that?" I ask. "No, I didn't. What do you mean?" he asks. "A prison world. It's a world designed for punishment, worst than death. Witches can send people to prison worlds that they designed for them. People who have been sent there, aren't supposed to get out. Only other witches can get people out of prison worlds." I answer. He looks at me." How do you know all this?" he asks. "I've been sent to one myself, by my parents. They thought that I was a threat and they sent me away. I was there for 20 years until I figured out how to get out. I also had these moments, where I got pulled back into the prison world, feeling my death and loneliness all over again. It's heavy, but I'm here to help you out. The key is to not be alone a lot. When you're alone, you think. Thinking goes far, and the prison world starts messing with you." I say. He looks at me and tears up. He grabs both of my hands and keeps looking at me. "That's... I... How did you handle the pain? Then pain of your parents killing you and sending you away, if I may ask?" he says. "I turned it off." I say. He looks at me. "Really?" he asks. "Yes, really. When I got back a while ago, I met someone. He triggered my humanity, and I started to really like him. I turned it on for him." I say. "Ah, so it's back on now?" he asks. "Not exactly" I answer. He's confused. "Oh, what happened?" he asks. "After a while, he cheated on me. It hurt like hell, so I turned it all off again. And here I am, with my humanity off" I say.
"I didn't know it was off, I'm sorry, I didn't want to bother you" he says, and he stands up. "No, please, I-" I say, but he walks away.

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