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It's a few months later now. I get out of bed, take a shower, put om dome cute clothes and get downstairs. I blast some music and bake some waffles. "Goodmorning to you too" says Damon, coming from upstairs. "Yeah, sorry for the music" I say, and we both laugh.
A few months back, I decided to turn my humanity switch back on. It was hard at first, but I got over it with my friends, my brothers and Kai, who I am dating for a while now. Kai and I are doing well, we hang out a lot and we spend a lot of time at our place. Damon, Stefan and the rest are okay with Kai now, so that's a relief!
I'm meeting Kai at his place today. I say bye to Damon and Stefan and I drive to Kai's place. I open the door and I don't see him anywhere. Suddenly, I hear something coming from his bedroom.
I walk to his bedroom and open the door. I see Kai, with a woman on top of him. I black out. I don't know what to say right now. I start tearing up and take a step back. "Julie... Wait, I can explain!" he says, while he puts his shirt back on. "No..." I say, and I take a few more steps back. "Julie I'm sorry... I-" he says, but I interrupt him. "You what? Hm? Do you have ANYTHING to say to me right now??" I say. I am pissed. "HOW COULD YOU DO THIS TO ME KAI, HOW!? I TURNED IT ON FOR YOU, FOR YOU!" I shout, and a tear rolls down my face. He walks towards me and grabs my hand, but I let go really quick. "Please just let me explain Julie..." he says, while he looks at me. I can't believe this. "Don't even bother Kai. Don't you ever come near me ever again, do you understand me?" I say. He keeps looking at me and he tears up. "It's over Kai, we're over..." I say, and I walk towards the door. Kai follows me and grabs my arm. "Julie please I can't loose you!" he says, with tears in his eyes. "Let go of me Kai" I say, and I walk out the door. I run to my car and drive away. How can he do this to me. I thought he loved me, but I guess I was wrong. I drive home, and get inside.
I've been crying a lot, and I can't hold my tears back anymore. "Julie? What happened?" says Damon, as he walks towards me. I run to my room and get in bed. I start crying.
Damon walks in, and sits down beside me. "Hey, talk to me, what happened?" he asks. I look at him, "Kai... He...he was at home... In his bedroom, with this girl... I don't know who but..." I say, stumbling over my words. "But what? What was he doing?" says Damon. A tear rolls down my face. "They were making out Damon. I got pissed and I broke up with him. How could he do this to me Damon? I turned it on for him..." I say. He looks at me. I can see that he's angry at Kai, and he hugs me. We talked about it for a while, but then I fell asleep. Damon let me, and got downstairs again.
The next morning, I wake up. I am hurt, and I don't feel good. I've been thinking, about turning it all off again. This time, I will be worse than I was before, so that I won't get back to my humanity, for anyone.

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