Going Out

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After we all finished eating, it's already 1am. Stefan takes me to a room, where I can stay. "Thanks Stefan." I say. He smiles, "goodnight Julie" he says. "Goodnight Stefan" I say, and I get ready for bed. As I lay in bed, I start to get hungry. I get out of bed and put on some decent clothes. I walk downstairs and walk out of the door. I get to the town square, and see a man walking down the street. I walk towards him. "Hi" I say. He looks at me. "Hello" he says, and he keeps walking. I roll my eyes and walk towards him again. I keep walking next to him now. "Do you live here?" I ask. "I do, yes" he says. "Great, great." I say. "And you? I've never seen you here before" he says. I smile, he's kinda cute! "I came here today, I'm going to stay with my brothers for a while." I answer. He smiles. "What's your name?" he asks. "Juliana" I say smiling. "Salvatore hm? I'm Kai, nice to meet you" he says. "Yes, Damon and Stefan are my brothers, you probably know them then." I say. "Oh I do, and Damon does not like me at all. So if you're here to kill me, don't, please." he says. I laugh, "Is that right? I'm not here to kill you Kai, well actually I am, but not for Damon." I say. He looks confused.

I get closer to him and my vamp teeth and vains show. I get to his neck to bite him, but he interrupts me. "Wait! I.. Um... I heard you're a witch, you're a witch right? Me too! You were in a prison world for a while right? Because, me too!" he says. I back off. "What?" I say. "Yeah, your name, Juliana Salvatore. Everyone knows about you, and so do I." he says. I look at him, "So, you're a witch?" I ask. He nods his head. "I... I'm sorry I shouldn't have..." I say. "No, it's okay I get it. Do you maybe want to grab a drink some time?" he asks.
"Yes, that would be great." I say, and I smile. He smiles back at me. "I have to go now but can you give me your number? I'll call you next thing in the morning!" he says. I give him my number and he smiles. "Goodnight Juliana" he says. "Goodnight Kai".

I walk back home. I walk into the house, but Stefan is standing in front of me. "I can explain" I say. "Don't, I get it! You were hungry and you don't know where we keep our blood. I'll show you, come with me." he says, and he takes me to the basement. He shows me a big fridge full of bloodbags. My vamp face starts showing again. "You can have one of you want" he says. I grab a bloodbags and drink it all in a second. I thought I could controle myself around blood, but the prison world has been messing with me I guess.
I drop the empty bloodbag, and I get another, and another, and another. "That's enough sister" he says, and he closes the fridge. "I'm sorry, I just didn't feed for a long time." he smiles. "Come on, let's go to bed." he says, and we both go.

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