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We hug for a while, but then he lets go of me. "I'm sorry..." he says quietly. "Don't be. It's okay to show emotions, it might help letting it go of a moment" I say. He softly smiles at me. "And...thank you" he says, a little louder than before. I smile at him. "Anytime" I answer, and he smiles back at me.
He walks away from me, towards his own room. It's only 3am in the morning, but it's okay that he came to me. I get into my bed again and close my eyes. I hear someone breathing heavily in the room next to me. That's Elijah's room. I use my vamp hearing and I can hear him cry. I hear him say "stop, please stop" to himself. I slowly get out of bed and put on a bathrobe. I walk out of my room, towards his and open the door. Elijah is sitting on he egde of his bed, with his hands in his hair. He doesn't hear me opening the door.
"Stop... Stop, please stop" he says to himself, while crying quietly. I walk into his room. "Elijah?" I say, and it scares him. He looks at me right away, afraid and alone. "I didn't want to scare you again" I say, and I walk over to him. He wipes his tears and sits up straight. I go to his bed and sit down next to him. I place my hand on his back and look at him. He's ashamed again. "Please, don't be ashamed. It's okay, I promise. Just come to me when this happens, I really want you to" I say. He looks at me and nods his head.
"How about we take a walk in the morning? You probably know this town better than I do" I say. He smiles softly. "Okay" he says.
"I'll see you in the morning, try to get some rest okay?" I say, and be nods his head. I smile at him and grab his hand for a moment. I let go of it and walk towards the door. I look back and see that he's getting undressed. I get out of the room and go to my own. I get in bed again and fall asleep.

It's 10am and I wake up. I get into the shower and wash my hair. Suddenly, I hear someone walk in. "Juliana?" he says. It's Klaus. "I'm in the shower! Hold on" I say, and I put on a bathrobe and a towel for my hair. I walk out of my bathroom, which it attached to my room, and walk towards Klaus. "Dl you want breakfast?" he asks. I laugh. "I got out of the shower for this?" I say smiling. We both laugh about it. "But no, thanks, I'm taking a walk with Elijah and I hope to get some breakfast somewhere with him" I answer. He looks at me. "Ah, do you like him?" he asks. "No! I mean... No... But I just want to do something fun and he knows the town well so why not!" I say. That was close! "Alright, have fun love, I'll see you later" he says, and he walks out of my room. I get back into the bathroom, and get dressed. I put on a grey/blackish mom jeans and a sky blue sweater. I'm feeling like a little color today! I blow-dry my hair and put some curls in the ends. I put on my black heels, and do my make-up.
I get out of my room and walk downstairs. I see that Elijah is standing in the kitchen, drinking a glass of water. He's wearing a dark blue suit with black shoes and a dark blue tie. He looks beautiful. I walk towards him and tap on his shoulder. He looks at me, up and down, and then he smiles. This is like the cutest thing ever! But I don't want my emotions to be a part of this. "Goodmorning Elijah, you don't have to wear a suit you know!" I say. He smiles. "Always." he answers. I laugh a bit, and take his hand. "Are you ready for that walk?" I ask, and he nods his head while smiling at me. He looks happier then he did before. Maybe he had a good sleep.
"I was hoping to get some breakfast on the way, you must know some places right?" I ask. "I do. You look amazing, by the way." he says. I start blushing. "T- thank you...! You too!" I say. He smiles at me and opens the door for me. Our hands let go of each other.
We get outside, and he grabs my hand again. "How are you feeling today?" I ask. "I'm feeling alright today, thank you. I'm sorry about-" he says, but I interrupt him. "Please, don't be sorry. I want to help you, so don't be sorry if you need someone or something. I'm here for you no matter what time or situation it is Elijah, I promise." I say. He smiles, and his smile makes me smile. "So, show me the town?" I ask, and he smiles again. He grabs my hand tighter and takes me for a walk.

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