We Got You

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Suddenly, someone walks up the stairs. We can't see who it is yet. We all turn around and see a man walking towards us. "Well well well, is this a reunion?" he says. "Lucien..." says Klaus. I look at Klaus, and he looks back at me. I walk towards Lucien. "Where is his girl" I say. "Why would I tell you? Who are you?" he says. I look back at Klaus and he nods his head. I turn back to Lucien and put my hand inside his chest. "I said, where is she" I say, shile holding his heart. "She's here, next door, she's safe" he says, scared. I look back at Klaus, and he nods his head again. I turn back again, and rip out his heart. Lucien falls down, dead. I'm holding his heart. I'm turning back to Klaus and look at him. "Thank you, Juliana" says Marcel. "Go get your girl. Where is their brother?" I ask. He smiles at me. "He's around the corner, through the door. Thank you, I'll see you guys later and I'm sorry!" says Marcel, and he walks downstairs. I drop the heart and walk down the hall. "Are you guys coming?" I ask, and I keep walking. "Badass" says Kol, and he walks behind me. They all come with me, and we arrive at a door.
I'm a little scared. I don't know what is in there and if I'm going to remember. "Do you want to come with me, love?" asks Klaus. "Yes" I answer, and he opens the door.

I see a man, chained and covered in blood. He looks down to the ground. "Brother...?" says Klaus. The man looks up, at Klaus. It's dark in the room, I can barely see his face. Klaus walks towards his brother and gets the chains off him. The man falls down. Weirdly, I can sense that he's in pain. He stays on the ground. "Let's go home brother" says Klaus, as he helps him get up. He doesn't get up! "Are you alright?" says Klaus. "Yes..." says the brother.
"No, he's not" I say, and I walk towards them. The brother is still faced down, but it seems like he recognized my voice. "He's in pain, you have to help him" I say. Klaus looks at me. "What?" he says. "I just know, okay?" I say, and I sit down next to the brother. "Hey, let me help you" I say. He sits down on his knees and looks at me. I can barely see him, but I can see in his eyes that he tears up. "Let me help you..." I say. I start doing magic on him, making the pain go away.
He stops the heavy breathing, and looks me in the eye. I look back at him. "You're here..." he says, softly.
"Juliana, I'd like you to meet my brother, Elijah" says Klaus. "Hi Elijah..." I say. He looks at Klaus. "What do you mean, meet?" he asks. "Elijah..." says Klaus. Elijah stands up. "No, what do you mean meet?!" he says. We both stand up. "Damon, he-" says Klaus, but Elijah interrupts him. "No, no, what did he..." he says. "He let some witch erase her memories brother. She doesn't know you" he says. I look at Elijah. He tears up,looks at me, and walks out of the room. "Elijah wait" says Klaus, and he walks after him. I'm ashamed because I can't remember him. Maybe I will if I see his face. I walk after Klaus, he want downstairs with Elijah. I stay upstairs, and listen to what they say.

"She doesn't remember me Niklaus" says Elijah. "I know, but Freya can maybe fix it" says Klaus. I can hear Elijah starting to cry softly. "This can't be happening... I can't do this..." he says. "I'm sorry, brother. Well try and fix this I promise you. Always and Forever." says Klaus, and he gives Elijah a hug. "What do I do... I can't be around her, knowing that she doesn't know me..." says Elijah.
I walk downstairs. "I'll try my best. I promise. I heard that there is an anti-magic border in Mystic Falls. I'll go there and cross the border, maybe it helps." I say. Elijah and Klaus look at me. For the first time now, I see his face. He has deep brown eyes, and beautiful dark hair. He is so handsome, I can barely look away.
"You can die of you're there for too long." says Klaus. "I know, but I'll try" I say.

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