Find Him

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"What do we do now?" I ask. "We go and find him" says Kol. Freya nods her head. "I can do a location spell to find him" says Freya. "I can help you, I'm a witch too" I say. "We know" says Klaus, while smiling at me. "Right, sorry" I say. "It's okay. Let's go do the location spell" says Freya, and I walk with her to a room. I see a table, with a tie on it. "A tie? Does he wear a suit often?" I ask. "All the time!" says Freya, and we laugh about it. Freya and I do the spell together, and we see a place. We stop the spell and I look at Freya. "Do you know where this is?" I ask. "Yes, I know where to find him. Thank you for helping me!" she says, and we smile at each other. We walk back to the rest and Klaus walks up to us. "Dit it work?" he asks. "Yes, he's with Marcel, in Paris. He has a house there" says Freya. "His mansion in Paris..." says Rebekah. "Have you been there before?" I ask. "I have. It's where he tried to kill me. Klaus and him weren't quite nice to each other, so I chose my brother and he did bit like that." she says. "I'm sorry" I say, and she smiles at me.
"Let's all get ready to go and leave at 6, we'll take the plane to Paris and rent a car" says Klaus. Everyone agrees. I get to the room where my stuff is, and I get a warm shower. When I'm done, I curl my hair, put on a blue mom jeans and a white wrap top with wide sleeves (look at the picture above the title).

I get downstairs, all dressed up to go, and put on my black Dr. Martens shoes. "I'm ready" I say. "Let's go" says Klaus, and Freya, Rebekah, Kol, Klaus and I walk outside. I get in the car with Freya and Rebekah, and Kol and Klaus get in another one. We drive to the airport and compel some people for tickets. We get in the plane, first class, and Klaus and Freya sit next to me. "Are you nervous?" asks Klaus. "Kind of. I mean, I don't remember your brother but I'm curious about him, you know?" I say. "I get that, yes. Let's just get him home. We'll deal with the rest later" he says, and we smile at each other. "So, what is he like, if I may ask?" I ask. "He's a noble man, he wears a suit all the time, he's loving, he's kind, he's trustworthy and respectful." says Freya. "He sounds nice" I say. "He is! And you two were close. You helped him a lot when he came back from the prison world."she says. "I think that maybe he even loved you, and you might have loved him back" says Klaus. "I don't know. I really don't remember, I wish I could" I say. "I can try giving you your memories back, but I think that it's best to try after we saved him" says Freya. "Yes, thank you!" I say, and we smile at each other. "If I was close to him, is he like, handsome?" I ask. "Oh no, I'm much prettier" says Klaus. We all laugh about it.
After a while, we land in Paris. We get out of the plane and walk out of the airport. We compel ourselves two cars and I get in with Klaus and Kol this time. We drive to the house where the brother is. I still don't know his name, but we'll get to that.
We arrive at a big house. It looks dark. We get out of the car and get together. "Rebekah, you go inside first. You walk to the kitchen to see if he's there. Freya, you and Kol get to the bathroom to see if he's there. Juliana and I go look for Marcel and tak him down for a while. When we're done with that, we go upstairs to look for our brother, alright?" says Klaus. Everyone agrees.

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