Tell Me Everything

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I look at him and tear up. "Can you tell me, please?" he asks. I nod my head, and dry my tears. He looks around. He doesn't know what's going on at all. I get it, he wants to know what is going on, but it's hard for me to talk about it. Klaus walks into the kitchen and sees me tearing up. "Everything alright here?" he asks. "Yes, I just need to know what's going on here. Why am I on your wall?" asks Elijah. "Okay, come with me" says Klaus, and he takes Elijah with him. I start crying. What if he doesn't want to see me again?
I stay in the kitchen, watching Elijah's picture on the wall. Freya walks up to me and places her hand on my shoulder. "I'm sorry, Juliana." she says. I smile at her. "It's okay, I should never have searched for him or step by at his place. I ruined it" I say. "You didn't ruin it, you did what felt best for you. What if I tell you, that I think I figured out the spel?" she says. "What..? You did?" I say. "Yes, should we tell him? See if he wants to try it maybe?" she asks. I dry my tears. "I don't know if he wants to... He got pretty upset about that picture" I say. "Klaus is talking to him right now, let's go to them" she says, and we walk to the living room. Klaus is talking to Elijah and Elijah looks confused. "So, I'm one of the first vampires ever and you guys are my family?" says Elijah. "Yes, exactly. You died and a witch made your memories disappear." says Klaus. "Is this some kind of joke?" says Elijah, while still looking at Klaus. "No, it's the truth. You're more than 1000 years old, and you're our brother. I understand that this is a lot for you to process but I am not lying to you, Elijah." says Klaus. "Okay. Tell me more, please" says Elijah. "Well, I am your brother, and Kol is too. Rebekah is your sister and Freya is too. We live here, all of us together in this home. You wear suits all the time, it's actually odd to see you without." says Klaus, and I laugh. "It is odd" I say. Elijah smiles. "Family is always number one for you, and you consider close friends as your family. Family is power, you always say. I'm often a dumb ass and you come and get me. You have a strong bond with everyone in this family actually." says Klaus. "Thank you. Do I have any other relationships?" he asks. "Yes, you have a good friend called Marcel. He's a family friend. You also have a girlfriend." says Klaus. "Oh really? Who is she?" he asks. Klaus looks at him. "Do you have any idea who it is?" asks Klaus. "I don't know, maybe that Hayley girl? She acts like my girlfriend but I don't like her, so maybe it's her?" he says. I look to the ground. Ofcourse he thinks that. "Any others...?" asks Klaus. "Maybe, but probably not her..." he says. "Who are you thinking about?" asks Klaus. "I think... Maybe... Her?" he says, and he points at me. I look at him and smile. "Is it you?" he asks. I nod my head. "God... I'm so sorry" he says. "It's okay, don't worry" I say. "How long have we been together?" he asks. "Ah, quite some time actually. I lost my memories too, one time. The same witch did it to you." I say. "I think we figured out the spell, actually. Would you like to try and get your memories back?" asks Freya. Elijah looks at her. "Yes, yes ofcourse. Thank you" he says. She smiles at him and takes him to a room. Klaus comes towards me and gives me a hug. "This will work" he says. I hug him back. "I hope so" I say, and we walk to the room.

"Are you sure about this?" I ask. "Yes" says Elijah, and he smiles at me. "Alright, let's do this." I say, and I smile back at him. Freya and I start doing the spell until out nose bleeds. "Stop! Are you okay?" says Elijah. We wipe out nose and see blood coming out of it. "Yeah, this happend when we do heavy spells" I say. We start again, and again, and again, but it doesn't work.
"Why isn't this working?!" I say. "I don't know, maybe we need another powerful witch, but I don't know anyone." says Freya. I look at Elijah. "I don't want to day this, but I do." I say. "Klaus you're coming with me for a second" I say, and I take his arm and pull him with me. We get to the living room and he looks at me. "What's wrong?" he asks. "I know some one. He's powerful. Really powerful, just like Freya and I. I don't know if it's inappropriate to call him..." I say. "Who is it?" he asks. "That's the problem. It's Kai Parker, my ex boyfriend." I say. "That guy... Just call him, you're with Elijah now. It won't be inappropriate." he says. I smile at him, and we walk back. "Okay, I'm going to call him." I say, and I call Kai.

"Hello?" he says.
"Hey. It's Juliana" I say.
"Julie? Long time no see. What can I do for you?" he asks.
"I need you to do a spell with me and Freya Mikaelson. Elijah has lost his memories and we need them back" I say.
"Well well, I don't really like Elijah, you know?" he says.
"Please, Kai. This means a lot, please don't be a dick and help us!" I say.
"Okay, fine. Tell me the address, I'll get there as soon as I can" he says.
"Thank you!" I say.
I tell him the address and hang up.
"Who is that?" asks Elijah. "That was Kai Parker. He's a powerful witch so I asked him to help and he will be here soon enough." I say. "Your ex boyfriend Kai Parker?" asks Freya. "Yup" I say. "Am I supposed to be jealous?" asks Elijah. I laugh. "No, he cheated on me so there's nothing to be jealous about" I say, and he also laughs.

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