Marcel Gerard

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Rebekah, Kol and Freya walk into the house. Klaus and I wait for a second. "Are you okay with this?" he asks. "Yeah, let's get your bother" I answer, and I walk into the house. Marcel is a vampire, so we don't have to be invited in. We walk into the house. It really is dark inside. I can see Rebekah walking into the kitchen, and Freya and Kol towards the bathroom. "Marcel?" says Klaus. We don't hear anything. Klaus walks up the stairs, and I walk with him. We see someone standing in front of a door. We stay silent. Klaus looks at me and nods his head. I get my hands ready and squeeze his throat with my magic. "Hello Marcel" says Klaus. The man turns around. It's Marcel. Marcel Gerard. "Marcel...?" I say, and I stop my magic. He falls to the ground. Klaus looks at me. "What are you doing?!" he says. I don't answer and look at Marcel. I slowly walk towards him. "Julie...?" he says, and he comes towards me. He smiles and hugs me. I hug him back. "What are you doing here? Alive?" I ask. "I became a vampire a few years later, and so did you I see! You're a Tribrid?" he says. "I am! It's so crazy to see you!" I say, and he hugs me again. "What is going on here" says Rebekah, who just walks upstairs. "We know each other, from the past" says Marcel. "Yes, we were best friends while growing up" I say. "When I was fifteen years old, I moved away." he says. "And we never saw each other again" I say. "But wait..." I say, and I turn towards Marcel. "The Mikaelson family are nice people, why do you hate them?" I say. "Something happened in the past." he says, and he looks at Klaus. Klaus looks mad. I walk towards Klaus and Rebekah.

"What happened to you? You used to me nice and kind, and now you took their brother because you hate them?" I say. "Let me explain, I-" he says, but I interrupt him. "That's not okay, you know that right?" I say. "I know. And I'm sorry. Just listen to me. I met a girl a couple of months ago. We fell in love and lived together in New York. She is a witch, and she's pregnant." he says. "That's cute but why are you doing this?" I ask. "That's the problem. I got in a fight with someone a few years ago. He told me that when I find love, he'll come for her and take her. And so he did, he came to us and took her, he told us that he wanted the baby. I begged him to leave her with me, but he wanted me to do something in return. He wanted me to take the most loved Mikaelson brother and hold him here, torture him and get Klaus here. He wants to kill you, Klaus. He fears you, you're stronger than him, so he wants you gone." says Marcel. Klaus looks at him. "Lucien." says Klaus.
"That's right. And he's coming, right now" says Marcel.

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