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After a while, the doorbell rings. "That must be him" I say. "I'll come with you" says Elijah. We walk to the door and open it. It's Kai. It's been a very long time since I have seen him. "Hello Julie!" he says, and he smiles at me. He doesn't even look at Elijah. "Come in" I say. Kai steps into the door and stands in front of Elijah. "Hello, Elijah." he says. Elijah looks at him and doesn't say anything. Kai walks to the room where Klaus and Freya are. I walk towards the room, but Elijah pulls me back. "Hey, um, is the kid his?" he asks. I smile at him. "No, she's not. Her father died the day she was born" I say, and I wink at him. He smiles and walks to the room with me.
Freya, Kai and I start the spell. After a while, our noses start to bleed again. Suddenly, we all feel some sort of magic strike. Elijah falls down to the ground and I run towards him and sit down next to me. "Elijah? Hey, wake up!" I say, in tears. I place his head on my lap and run my hands through his hair. After a while, he opens his eyes. He is shocked and sits up. He breaths heavily, and looks around. "Elijah...?" I say. He looks at me, and starts crying. "Are you-" I say, but he rushes to me and kisses me. He stops and looks into my eyes. I start to tear up and smile at him. "Brother..." says Klaus. Elijah turns around and walks towards him. "Niklaus" he says, and he smiles. They hug each other, and everyone hugs him. I walk towards Kai, and thank him. Kai leaves, and I get to the living room. "Mommy! Is everything okay?" asks Emilia. "Yes, baby. Do you want to meet your daddy?" I ask. "Yes! Please!" she says, and I take her to the room. Elijah is talking to his siblings. "Elijah, there's someone who'd like to meet you" I say. He turns around and looks at her. "Hi, I am Emilia, are you my daddy?" she asks. I smile at him and he smiles back at him. "I am, yes. It's nice to meet you Emilia" he says, with tears in his eyes. She runs towards him and gives him a hug.
They talk a little bit, and Klaus walks towards me. "Thank you, Juliana." he says, and he hugs me. I hug him back. "Thank you for everything Klaus" I say, and we smile at each other.
After a while Elijah, Emilia and I baked some cookies. Emilia goes to the living room to play, and Elijah and I stay in the kitchen. "So, you remember everything?" I ask. "I do" he says. "That's great, Elijah. I've missed you so much" I say. "i missed you too, Juliana" he says, and he gives me a kiss. "Do you still want to do this? I mean, five and a half years went by." I say. "I haven't thought about it, I still feel the same way as before. Why? Do you want to keep doing this?" he asks. "Yes! Yes ofcourse!" I say, and I give him a kiss.

Later that day, we all have dinner together. We talk and laugh a lot. After dinner, it's 9pm. "It's late! Come on Emilia let's get you to bed." I say. Emilia kisses everyone goodnight, including Elijah. "Elijah, why don't you come with us?" I ask. He smiles, and walks upstairs with us. We get to Emilia's room and get her ready for bed. "Would you like to read her a story?" I ask. He smiles at me. "Ofcourse" he says. I hand him over a book we're reading. He sits down on the bed, next to her. He starts reading and I can't stop looking at him . I'm so glad that he's finally back. After a while of reading, Emilia falls asleep. We both stand up, and I kiss her on her cheek. Elijah and I quietly walk out of the room. "Fatherhood looks good on you" I say, while smiling. He smiles back at you. "She's amazing" he says. "Yeah, she is. I'm going to get some sleep, today has been a very long day" I say. "Yes, it has. I'm going too" he says, and we walk to my room. "So, do you want to sleep here, with me?" I ask. He walks up to me and kisses me. "I consider that a yes!" I say, and we both smile. I kiss him back, and after a while, I take off his shirt. He's not wearing a suit today because of his memories that were lost. He takes off mine, and holds me tight while we're still kissing. Suddenly, he stops. "Whats wrong?" I ask. He looks at me, he looks worried. "What's that on your back?" he asks. He turns me around and he sees the scars I have on my back. "What happened to you?!" he says. I turn back around. "It's nothing" I say. He looks at me. "Juliana, what happened to you" he says. "Every time I came to see you while your memories were gone, I got a scar. I wasn't supposed to see you" I say. "You did that for me?" he asks. "I just couldn't do it without you anymore Elijah. When you came back to life, I tried so hard to not come and look for you. After a while, I  was going crazy and I just needed to see you. Every time I look at Emilia, I see you. Do you know how hard it is to lose someone, and still see them every day?" I say, and I tear up. "I'm sorry..." he says. "It's okay, I'm just glad you're back now" I say, and I kiss him. He kisses me back and I take off his clothes. He does the same thing and we get to the bed. "I missed you" he whispers in my ear. "I missed you too" I say, underneath my breath.

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